View Full Version : Changes in eye pigment

02-12-11, 13:14
Hi, I just went to the optician's today because I've been having blurred vision sometimes. She said my vision was alright but there's been a slight change in the pigment in my eyes and she'll contact my doctor to get me referred to have it checked. She said it's nothing urgent but of course I'm totally panicked now! I was wondering if anyone has had the same thing happen with their eyes or if anyone knows what might be causing it? The optician did say that medication can sometimes affect it and I'm on anti-depressants and high blood pressue medicine. I would be grateful if anyone could help. :)

02-12-11, 17:49
cant really help u on that one but good possibilty as on some side effects in the drugs does say may cause this, im going to opticans tomorrow as i have a funny eye which is really panicing me to, if your concerned pop to gp and ask them to explain waiting is the worst waiting game xxx

02-12-11, 18:38
My eyes change colour all the time, they are greeny / grey but are often quite dark green, and sometimes pale grey, they dont change quickly though, it seems to happen over a few months

03-12-11, 13:42
Thanks for your replies. Charmcc, my mum did ask someone for me who works at another optician's and he said it could be any number of things but it's nothing to worry about. Thanks for your suggestion, I might go to the doctor and ask about it if I feel I need to. Hope it goes ok for you at the the optician's today. :)
Mikewales, I last had an eye test just under a year ago (went back because I had been having some blurred vision) so I suppose the colour's changed since then.