View Full Version : Newbie to site - How do you get through panic attacks

02-12-11, 16:31

I've finally come to the conclusion that I seriously need to takle my panic attacks after 15/20 years and went to see my doctor who suggested trying calms or another herbal remedy, to start with little outings & to read a book by Claire Weekes. I don't know what started them, I can still remember where I was when I had my first one around 15/20 years ago, which was very scary.

I've recently joined a new team at work really nice bunch of guys and we had an offsite meeting last week at the meeting I was absolutely fine but as soon as it came to going for something to eat and drinks I freaked out, feeling surreal, stomach churning, wanting to run etc and had to make an excuse that I didnt feel well and went home once I was home I was fine !! its so frustrating !!

I've also already made an excuse not to attend a company conference in London next week as I just know I'll panic and thats not starting off small !

I thought it would help to speak to other people who experience panic attacks - what do you do to get through them and do any of the herbal remedies help ??

02-12-11, 16:56
I really feel for you, as i have done all the things you have, excuses, and just going home, i don'y really know much about herbal remedies,maybe you should ask your gp for some councilling, it might help, but it is soo hard when it affects your social life. goos luck x :welcome: to nmp.

02-12-11, 17:00
No herbal remedies will not work. What you have is an underlying anxiety disorder because without that, panic attacks cannot exist.
The way forward is to challenge your panic attacks because you are frightened of being frightened.
Panic attacks have two fears, the first fear comes from your subconscious triggered by a thought, they can be fleeting in nature so you may not recognise them. The first fear you have no control of so you cannot work with that but you can recognise it. It is the very first stirrings of panic that comes from the subconscious.
The second fear comes from your conscious mind and it's a reaction brought about by the first fear. The second fear is the main trigger for adrenaline release and the symptoms and sensations you most dread. And don't kid yourself you are frightened of them, the racing heart, tight chest, inability to breath etc.
What you must do is lose your fear of them and that is done by observing them as an observer and encouraging the attack to strengthen in intensity. This very encouragement will stop the attack immediately as by encouraging the attack you will lose your fear and the adrenaline release will stop.
Simplistic yes but needs bravery but it's well worth it, you must prove to yourself that you will not die and that it's a result of adrenaline because of fear. It mat take a few attempts but you will soon be free of them for life.
You have suffered for years, get your life back you have nothing to lose.

02-12-11, 17:51
what ronski said!

something I learnt, is that panic attacks are not "attacks" as such.... i think they should be re-named... for ages I went about thinking they were something that 'happened' to me, rather than being caused by me... the word 'attack' sounded to me like it was something my body 'discharged' like a fit, i dunno... but what i've learnt since through CBT is that panic 'attacks' are you panicking... you cause them... and so you can stop them through changing the way you think about things... thoroughly recommend CBT, check out this thread


turned everything right round for me

03-12-11, 17:52
Had a look at CBT website - definately a Christmas pressie to me - from me - it's time to take the bull by the horns and beat this. I returned to work in a new team recently after 4 months off due to workplace bullying by boss - I overcame that see old boss everyday and don't panic !

Even bought some rescue remedies today to try those too.

I do have a dilemma though new team I work with are great and it would be nice after offsite meetings to go out socially with them (drink/food) have already made excuses twice (once due to panic attack and second cos I think I will panic on a big company conference - my new boss is a real people manager and looks out for his team - he knows i was off work with work related stress due to boss bullying and part of me wants to mention about my attacks and that I'm not being anti-socia towards team if recovery takes a while or always ill but then again am fearful that I'll be judged as being silly & foolish !! In the office I am fine and come across as confident, humorous and outgoing

No one would know that I have panic attacks only close friends know and believe my immediate family dont acknowledge that it's painic attacks but just butterflies my mum has said to me before know you nervous !! about going out everybody gets butterflies !! Perhaps I need to explain to immediate family what happens.

Any advice on new boss and immediate family situations

03-12-11, 21:41
I started with panic 5 years ago..there's a few things thats helped me..firstly read as many books on the subject of panic as you can.. I found once I understood the mechanics of what was happening to me that helped me a lot..also when in a panic telling myself over and over that the terrifying sensations were 'just a feeling' nothing more...another thing but not always practical I know is cold air on my face..that has been the best 'thing' to help me once I was in a panic attack..I have a desk fan that I sit in front of while I mist my face with cold water from a little spray bottle to make the air feel as cold as poss..and lastly..give your mind something to concentrate on and away from the feelings of panic..my fave is to count up in 18s..panic doesn't get a look in then!

I was once not only confined to the house with panic and anxiety but to an armchair..when panic came out of the blue 5 years ago..at the age of 47...I spent the first 3 months curled up in an armchair totally unable to function..now with all of the above coping mechanisms I've been panic free for about a year now..I lead a near normal life..the only thing that remains to be beaten is my fear of travelling more than about 15 miles from home..anyway good luck : )