View Full Version : Issues with Health Anxiety

03-12-11, 02:24
Hi all! I found this site through Google searching. You know, where you search for some symptoms of an illness you think you have. Well this site actually came up and I'm hoping I can get some help/direction from you all here.

A bit about me and my life: I just turned 38, I'm married and we have two sons. Both my sons are severely autistic. We're talking classic Autism, non-verbal, etc. Our life is stress 24/7. My husband works 10 hour days and commutes 70 miles each way. He's gone 14 to 15 hours a day. My oldest son doesn't sleep well (never has) so I have to stay awake with him until he falls asleep. I average 3 hours of sleep per day (no naps, that's it). So I'm pretty maxed out.

So here is my problem, I'm stressed out about lymph nodes. To the point that I know I have a serious problem. 7 years ago I got sick and one on the side of my neck came up. No big deal, it went back down. I didn't think of it again until a year later when I had a dental procedure go bad. My dentist suggested I had a tumor! Red flags went up and I remembered that gland from the year before. So that became my focus.

I was sent to an ENT who ordered a CT scan. The results were that I had a gland there but it was to small to biopsy and the ENT felt it was just a "shotty" node. However he added on that all important phrase of "but we should keep an eye on it." That was it for me. I was maxed out in my day to day life and I needed to know I was fine. So I began obsessing about this lymph node.

Fast forward to 2011. Over the past few years I gained a lot of weight. Just let myself go, totally my fault. I had always been fit before. So this year I decided to get back in shape. However I knew as soon as I lost weight, I'd be feeling every little lymph node (and whatever else) I could. Sure enough the doctor visits started. The more weight I lost, the more I could find, the more often I went to the Dr for reassurance. It got to the point that I was going about once a month. Of course every time she would feel whatever area I was worried about and then tell me it was fine. Totally normal. Very small, etc., etc., etc.

I need to break this cycle. I can't keep living this way. This is no life for me or my family. It's impacting my marriage, my children, my friends. I feel so awful and out of control.

So I have drawn the line in the sand and am trying to help myself with this. I cannot afford to see a therapist at this time. It's just not financially possible. So I bought a book called, "It's Not All In Your Head" and I just started reading it. If anyone here has any experience with this book or can recommend any others, I would greatly appreciate it. Also, has anyone here actually fixed this themselves without therapy? I'm hoping it can be done. I want my life back and I want it back now!

Thanks for reading. Sorry to be so wordy!

03-12-11, 02:27
Hi DisneyRunner

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

03-12-11, 07:29
hello! im 31 and having simular probs, i have 2 kids work 4 days a week, my little boy has adhd, like you say 24/7 stress. my partner works 6am to 9pm. its a total nightmare. i have severe health anxiety too, not 1 days goes past when i dont think about my health, its eating me up, im not a happy person anymore as im constantly worrying, its on my mind 24/7. I think i have a heart problem at the moment...to cut a long story short ive been having pretty frequent ectopic heart beats constantly since october 2010. ive been to the drs like 11 times, he listens to my heart asks my symptoms and says your fine, they are very very common and may never go away. why cant i accept this???? im googling everyday, my mind is eaten up. im getting married soon and i should be happy!! my friends all think im totally bokers and cant quiet grasp how ive been to the drs and still worry!!?? our problem is in our head...............im looking for more symptoms EVERYDAY. im tired of ot all to be honest. ive even had cbt...useless!! ha!.............the only person that can help us is ourselfs. my partner ...well i darednt even mention the word HEART and he will go mad!! xxxxxx

06-12-11, 18:40
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I really do understand where you are coming from. I thought I had heart problems several years ago. I was Dx with a heart murmur and had to have an ECG (I think that is what they called it, ultrasound of the heart?) done. They told me it was fine but anytime I felt my heart flutter, I would panic. Which of course made it race and it was just a bad cycle. In my case the fear of these stupid lymph nodes pretty much made me forget about my heart. So I guess I traded one health worry for another. Sorry I'm no help. Just know someone out there really does understand.