View Full Version : Scary OCD/anxiety. So I'm here now :)

03-12-11, 07:37
I am only 19 years old, but for as long as I can remember, I have had high anxiety, and obsessions. I remember when I was little making myself walk on leaves in the fall or "something would happen". My OCD and anxiety grew in fifth grade when my teacher taught us about HIV/aids. I didn't realize at the time that the other person had to be infected with it to receive it. I thought whenever two peoples blood would mix, it would happen. So I spent two or three years washing my hands constantly until my parents were concerned and cut me off from the sink, wearing wet clothes because I was afraid the dryer was infected, and failing school entirely because it was so overwhelming.

That was when my train of thought really sophisticated itself. I spent six months to a year feeling like I was in a dream. I was a total hypochondriac. And I would have to hide my dry hands from everyone.

At 18 I got pregnant. Pregnancy, along with my fiancé, really distracted me. He understand completely how I feel, what triggers my OCD and panic attacks, and can help prevent one before I even know it (LOVE HIM! Haha). He's had a few behavioral disorders of his own.

Then my fiancé was shipped to Naval boot camp when I was 8 months pregnant. Meaning he would miss our daughters birth. That was very hard on both of us. He got to meet her at a week old at his graduation. We got nine hours together as a family, and then he was shipped over a thousand miles away to another base for training. He has been gone for almost a year. We have had a lot of rough times, making my OCD/anxiety worsen. Him coming home on a week of leave every once in a while has helped emensly though.

I think the birth of my daughter has made my mental state much worse. I have had postpartum depression, and my OCD/anxiety has never been this bad. It's to the point where no matter how much lotion is on my hands, I have cuts up to my elbows. My hands are WORSE than sandpaper and they are starting to scar. I'm so paranoid about my food bein poisoned I will go a day or two without eating. I could go on for hours.

But this site is amazing, and I'm so happy I found it! :)

03-12-11, 07:41
Hi TheMonster

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.