View Full Version : Freaking Out!!!

03-12-11, 08:20
Hi im having a really bad time at the moment.. started last week when i had a slightly unusual headache, ever since im 100% convinced i have a brain tumor and now im freaking out because i have been on google(i know i shouldnt) and after reading the list of symptoms for a brain tumor i have now convinced myself i have all of them, resulting in me having a panic attack in the middle of last night, this morning i feel terrible, weak, tired, my legs feel like jelly i cannot stop this vicious cycle i just want it to stop, otherwise its going to ruin my christmas and i really want to enjoy it with my children.
My husband tells me im being silly, he just doesnt understand no one unless you suffer with H.A will ever understand how it feels.... hence why im here early this morning i've got no one to talk to !!
Hope someone can help !

03-12-11, 08:24
First of all let me ask you do you have a family history of brain tumours?

03-12-11, 08:31
No i have no family history of brain tumors!!

03-12-11, 08:39
You know that this is the anxiety talking. You do not have a brain tumour. You know this to be true. Your headache would be very severe and constant if you did.

03-12-11, 08:45
My gp always asks me that question of having a family history of certain cancers because she said that if there is none then most likely I dont have it either.

I dont think you would have one either but yes I def do understand your fear I have been in that position before but just realise it could be the change of weather or other factors that could be causing your headache.

I should be worried about bowel and bladder cancer with my symptoms but I trust my gps instinct that I dont have it and its just IBS and an irritable bladder.

Try not to worry about it too much and sip plenty of water and rest your eyes regularly too as this often helps but you have to trust me on this I really believe you dont have a brain tumour.

03-12-11, 08:49
I have been here so many times before stressing, worrying i try telling myself its anxiety, but the irrational thinking just takes over.... and it sometimes goes on for months !!

03-12-11, 09:14
Annie have you been to your gp? What did he/she say about it?

03-12-11, 09:21
I haven't been to my gp but im going to make an appointment on monday, ive never recieved any help with my anxiety as it was controllable, now however its taking over my life, im nervous to go to doc as im afraid she will think im wasting her time, but its become so bad its time i saw my gp. !!

03-12-11, 09:27
I'm sure she wont think that just explain that you just have been feeling worried lately about it and that you just want some reassurance as to whether you are alright or not I'm sure she will understand.

Trust me getting reassurance that everything is alright from your gp is the best thing and will hopefully stop your worrying. She may even give you some blood tests to make sure its not anything else and usually my gp does that just to ease my anxiety but if she doesnt send you for blood tests then I would consider it a good thing.

I always get nervous going to my gp too but when I do she always seems so friendly and understanding that my anxiety to see her just goes as soon as I get into her office.

I think GPs are trained in coping with people who have health anxiety as I'm sure they see them on a regular basis.

03-12-11, 09:53
Thankyou for your replies, i will go and see my gp next week and hopefully she will help put me at ease. !!!

03-12-11, 20:06
Never think your wasting the Doctors time. It may help you to get a all clear from the Doctor first then you can concentarte on getting over Panic and Anxiety.
Write down some question you may have beofre you go because you may not remember everything you want to ask when you are there.

03-12-11, 21:15
I had a constant headache for days and it got worse after googling I also developed twitches all over my body which I still have. My headaches would feel so weird and scary. The doctors were more worried about my twitches then my headaches but putting the two together decided to do an MRI. It was all clear, and my headaches began to ease up over the following days tho I still get them. My dentist thinks I have tmj, where my jaw alignment causes the headaches as I tense alot there when stressed.

The doctor will shine a light in your eyes when you go to the doctors a good indication to see if anything is pushing on your optic nerve. Also whilst in hospital they made me do coordination tests they would expect someone with a tumour to have trouble with something, reactions, reflexes, coordination. If your only symptom is a headache I would really not worry. Tension can cause headaches, so can eyes train and dehydration. The doctors also said that a tumour in younger people often presents itself it some form of muscle weakness or vision disturbance eg double vision blurry vision. As well as the simple neuro test I mentioned earlier. Hope this puts your mind at rest xx

04-12-11, 08:52
Hi thanks again for your replies, i woke during the night again in a panic thinking that i definatley have a tumour and im terrified to be alone with my hildren incase something happens, and as you mentioned muscle weakness above i have had weak/jelly legs for a few days too, so now im panicing again, i have even asked my husband to take me to a&e this morning im so scared...HELP!!!

04-12-11, 09:02
Huni the muscle weakness will anxiety my whole arm went weak and numb when I was in hospital I was even in the toilet heaving and couldn't breath as felt so sick. Looking back now I know it was anxiety. They also said if your headache comes on like a thunderclap and it really is meant to be so painful then that's more worrying but I an guessing yours is not that bad. Don't waste your time going to a&e if anything for advice just ring nhs direct but really I think like I was so focused that I thought I had a tumour that my symptoms just got worse and worse as my anxiety got worse.

04-12-11, 09:13
This sounds so familiar to me, as I used to get this... and was convinced I had tumors. My GP was very understanding and explained why he didn't think it was the case...

It happened again last year, lots of headaches, sometimes very sudden and a feeling that i would pass out. Again, i thought tumor or something more terrible... tests and an MRI showed nothing. Diagnosis: ANXIETY

The pains I had were very intense and made me feel so ill.... but, ANXIETY can do so many things to us.... my current doctor, when I first met him 2 years ago, he said he wasn't a strong believer in the correlation between psychology and phyiscal symptoms... but since meeting me he's changed his mind, as he's checked my body for so many things with blood tests, ECGS, several MRI's etc and has found nothing physicallly wrong with me. He said now that I've got mild psychosis, which is giving me 'conversion' whereby the brains converts anxieties etc into real, physical feelings of pain, numbness etc...

I sympathize with you. But it's really in our heads.... try sleeping more, relaxing more and eat well... i find that when I read up about healthy eating etc and start to act upon it, that I am giving a mental message to myself that ''i'm looking after myself, i'm healthy'' ..and it can lift our spirits and make us worry less (even if it's for a while, because I know health anxiety comes and goes).

04-12-11, 09:29
Thanks again for quick replies, No its not a really bad headache its like pressure like the tight band feeling, yeah the more i think about it the more symptoms i find and because i (stupidly) googled the symptoms i know what they are, i havent been eating well the past few days since the anxiety kicked in my appetite has gone, which in turn is making me feel sick which makes me not want to eat..Bloody vicious circle!!!

04-12-11, 09:33
Yes - I agree... but when we are anxious, WE have to take responsibility for our well being in terms of eating well and drinking enough fluids. It sounds like tension to me... I still get tension headaches, try a hot shower (hot water on head really can help) or a massage. :)

04-12-11, 10:19
Thanks for your advice Im going to get an appointment with GP this week try get some help with this anxiety its taking over my life i cant continue like this, its clear i cant manage it on my own, im exhausted this morning its wearing me out, lack of sleep, not eating well and the anxiety is taking it out of me :weep:

04-12-11, 20:49
Annie is sounds more like a sinus headache.
I get that alot and so does my dad.
Pressure in the head and face is usually sinus and I remember getting a sensitivty feeling o the top of my head where the pressure would be too.

Dont be worried about it I know its a pain to have but I had it for two weeks one time and the only way I got rid of it was when I went on holiday to a different city and it went away like that and I think it was because I was thinking about something else and I was away from the things that wouldve been causing my headache.

05-12-11, 02:54
Help... It's 2.50 am and I am awake and trembling with fear and panic about this brain tumour, I have had the jelly legs feeling all day and I just can't eat coz I feel sick, I can't sleep I'm constantly checking for symptoms I am just so convinced it's there I can't get it out of my head. Surely all these symptoms can't just be anxiety it must be something else hope someone is there to help !!

05-12-11, 03:43
I have a headache too and just had to take some paractemol to get rid of it.

I think you need to go and see your gp as soon as possible just so you can get peace of mind. Make an appt first thing in the morning then you can feel relieved when they give you the all clear. gps are great with telling you the truth all you got to do is give them all the information.

Try not to worry and that is what you need to do ok.

05-12-11, 08:23
Ok so i ended up having a full on panic attack at 4.30 am woke the husband who was great in trying to calm me down, i had absolutely no sleep so feel totally drained this morning still got "jelly legs" which is terrifying me, i have phoned my doctors and i have an appointment for later on this morning....Wish me luck!!!

05-12-11, 09:03
Im pleased to hear you got your doctors appt. Even though I am sorry you had a panic attack and its good that you have an understanding husband like that.

I know what panic attacks are like I had one at work one time all over this stupid sick leave policy but I was in a real mess.

Anyway all the best with the appt let us know what the doctor says and remember if they arent worried then its good news.

05-12-11, 09:22
I am sure your appointment will be fine huni and your doctor will put your mind at ease xx

05-12-11, 09:57
Thankyou i really hope so i feel dreadful this morning, no sleep,not eating,panic attack plus all the other symptoms i've convinced myself i have, is really making me feel down..... is it normal for legs to be so weak and heavy??

05-12-11, 10:26
I get it alot more in my arms then legs but occasionally in my legs too. You will probably find when you have been reassured that your wobblyness goes xx

05-12-11, 11:27
So im back from the GP, i burst into tears and told her everything she did some little reflex tests and pushing and pulling with my arms and legs she said it all seemed fine but is sending me for some blood tests as she is a little concerned about the numbness/heavy legs she will see me again once those results come back to discuss further action if the results are clear she talked about looking into counselling or cbt or even meds.... if the results are not then who knows!!!

05-12-11, 19:22
Im glad it went ok and she was so supportive and understanding.
Just wait for the blood test results to come back, and if its all clear then at least you know health wise you are healthy and then that should ease your anxiety down and then you'll probably feel better.

Did she refer you for counselling because in NZ our gps can refer us to the hospital.

06-12-11, 07:25
No she hasnt yet referred me for counselling she wants the blood results first to see if all my symptoms are just anxiety, had a slightly better night still woke up countless times with the worry i go for the blood tests tomorrow and should have the results by friday it just seems forever away, i still have the weak legs, loss of appetite and feel sick on occasion all signs of the brain tumour im so terrified of im just so sure thats what it is!!!!!

06-12-11, 07:52
a close friend of mine had a brain tumour - she NEVER had heachaches!!!! and she had had it 4 months, it was her speech she was slurring - she was told that headaches are rarely related to brain tumours!!!! x x x x

06-12-11, 07:56
You see my headache went on sunday, but i still have all these other symptoms feeling weak, jelly legs, feeling sick now im freaking out again... this is never ending!!! :-(

06-12-11, 08:18
all typical signs of anxiety babe x x x x

06-12-11, 08:56
I know its signs of anxiety and keep trying to tell myself thats all it is but the thoughts of the brain tumour just over power the thoughts of "its just the anxiety" i have had HA for about 8 years and this is the worst i have ever been... i have had to get someone else to take my daughter to school for fear my legs wont get me there i feel like im letting her down too shes so excited for christmas and i am just so miserable.... !!

06-12-11, 09:14
Katielou that describes my grandma when she had a brain tumour she didnt have any headaches and she had slurred speech and her memory was very poor.

unfortunately for me that means that there is a family history of brain tumours but no other cancer.

Annie I think your nausea and shaky legs is all part of anxiety do you feel like your gonna vomit?
I use to get anxiety about facing work when it got really stressful so in the night I was up all night with a bucket in front of me feeling really sick and shaking and all that and was there till it was late enough in the morning to call in sick I really thought I had a stomach bug but weirdly enough after calling in sick my symptoms went away and then I caught up on my sleep and got up and ate and was completely fine for the rest of the day.

I bet you once test results come back and there you find there is nothing to worry about you will be the same the symptoms may disappear.

06-12-11, 09:27
I literally havent eaten since saturday when i had a panic attack, ive completely lost my appetite just picking at small amounts im sure this wont help the feeling sick and weak .... im just praying for these test results to be ok but of course as a HA sufferer i have already convinced myself they wont be !! :weep:

06-12-11, 09:34
I no what you mean with the lost appetite thing. Ive had that heaps of times before its like there is normal anxiety that dont trigger nausea then there is the type like your that does. You really sound like you are in a bad place a bit like a end of year uni student waiting for their test results.

I'm sure your test results will be fine did your gp discuss with you that she thinks there is nothing to be concerned about?

Anyway try not to worry and maybe take something to calm you down so you can sleep better tonight.


06-12-11, 10:02
She did some checks while i was with her such as following her finger with my eyes, she checked up and down both sides of my legs and arms for feeling she made me push and pull against her with my hands and feet and checked all my reflexs, she also did blood pressure and listened to my heart from this she said she wasnt too concerned it was anything serious but wanted to do the blood tests to rule anything out....Which makes me think she really doesthink theres something to check for!!! i suppose all i can do now is go for the tests tomorrow then await the results!!!
Thankyou for listening !x

06-12-11, 19:19
Annie just remember when a gp wants to give blood tests to rule stuff out it doesnt neccessarily mean they think you have something usually they are just being extra cautious and want to make sure everything is really ok. By the sounds of it I think she believes alot of it is your anxiety and she was just giving you peace of mind just to let you know there was nothing there that was serious.

I wouldnt worry bout it too much aye youll prob find the test results are all good and there is nothing to worry about.

06-12-11, 20:26
Huni doctors always like to do blood tests whatever you go in there for, especially if you haven't had one for a while. They did one when I went in with pelvic pain, everything you say sounds anxiety related. I have been so bad this month with ha and still am struggling. I have just started on cipromil and really hoping it does some good. Make sure you are drinking enough water as that causes headaches if you are not hydrated. When did you have your blood test done? Sometimes they only take a few days to get back.

06-12-11, 22:07
I havent had them done yet im having them done in the morning, hoping results will be back by friday!!
I dont even have the headache anymore its gone its just i still have this jelly legs feeling... My HA is always worse at night im scared to go to sleep i just lay there telling myself its there and im just waiting to be told, as i sit here typing my legs are trembling this always happens at night too...could this be leaving me with the jelly legs !!! Im just so terrified !!:weep:

06-12-11, 22:09
I get horrible tingling when I am anxious in my legs and arms. I think if you was to try and relax your jelly legs would go as the only thing they sound a symptom of is anxiety xx

06-12-11, 22:16
I have tried relaxing but i just cant get these thoughts out of my head they just take over they wont leave my head, i am so scared right now ..... !!!

06-12-11, 22:40
honey i cant cope my head is telling me the C word and old haunts of a lump on my head that doc said was ridges and the brain has said what typical health aniexty does WHAT IF and omg panic attack has happened i cant do this to myself anymore, we think the worst and phobia what we think is so ridiculious but so real to us, please keep calm as im saying this wish i could listen to my advice, but if it helps my friend was really ill and went to docs and was addmitted cause docs had real concern and bloods came back so quick that she was in for 3 weeks and had a diognosis, i belive that docs do know the real signs and anxiety signs, and if docs was concerened hun the would be done alot quicker xxxxx keep calmx xx

06-12-11, 22:49
Thanks, i wish i could keep calm i know the anxiety is making my symptoms worse, HA is unbearable and comes on ten fold at night i think i will fall asleep and not wake up or something does that sound silly!! Im so close to waking my husband i feel i need to go to A&E im working myself up again i feel another panic attack coming on!!