View Full Version : swimming and ears

03-12-11, 08:28
I have been swimming lengths everyday now for two weeks for exercise.

I dont wear any ear plugs or a cap. However I get minor earache when in the water and afterwards and then my ears have felt very itchy and irritable like I cant stop sticking my finger inside and scratching them.

I hope I havent trapped any water inside and growm some sort of fungal thing, Ive had ear problems before when I was in a swimming squad back in my teens but does anyone think it could be an infection?

I dont think its bad enough to go and get checked out because I dont think it would as such be an infection.

04-12-11, 00:19
It would be nice if someone could at least answer my post and give me advice. What is it about me that noone wants to answer my concerns? I havent done anything to anybody it kind of makes me feel like noone on here likes me or thinks I'm not worth their time.

It hurts when others posts gets answers with lots of people but I get nothing.

Can someone please tell me what have I dont wrong?

04-12-11, 00:25
Sorry I can't offer any advice as I used to swim loads and never had a problem.

It has nothing to do with people not wanting to help - it is more about whether they can advise or not and I can't sorry.

04-12-11, 00:26
Maybe you do need to get some earplugs in your case.

04-12-11, 00:39
Thanks I cant wear earplugs as they hurt my ears more right now they feel sore and tender even when I put my finger in them as they often get really itchy too and Ive been scratching them alot.

I might just ignore it and see what happens because it could just be that my ears arent use to being exposed to water and so they are just building up an immnunity to it or something.

I'm sure it will go away I tried blu tak this morning and my ear one in particular was really sore with the blu tak in it so had to take it out.

04-12-11, 01:05
I wouldn't use blu tak to be honest - that is not meant to be put in ears.

04-12-11, 02:20
Sounds like swimmer's ear to me! You may need antibiotics to kick the infection, or ear drops.

04-12-11, 04:04
yeah I thought so. Thanks for the reply.

I got told to try olive oil or a candle wax as that might help. I will only go on antibiotics if I absolutely have to.

05-12-11, 11:10
Here are some earplugs you can use if you can't use the traditional style: http://www.proplugs.com/. I've have to say, I've got a pair and they don't fit properly, and I find they fall out a lot. However the reviews are generally very good, so I think if you get them properly sized they can work well.

I would definitely take medical advice before shoving other random things in your ears, like olive oil and candle wax, I have heard of it before, but it doesn't sound like a great idea to me and there's no way I'd try it.

05-12-11, 19:27
THanks you two.

Yes now when I think of it I had problems with my ears when I was younger and in a swimming squad when I use to swim all the time.

I tried ear plugs but they really hurt at the moment they also make my head and ears feel blocked up which gives me a headache later on in the day cos I swim in the mornings.

I do suffer sinuses anyway and my ears are really itchy that I'm constantly ithing them throughout the day.

I am swimming because my knee is slightly injured and if I walk too much or run it plays up and hurts.

06-12-11, 06:24
yeah I think you are right on that one I have noticed my sinuses are getting worse when I swim. Its like I feel kind of dizzy and sore in the eyes and headache and my ears feel blocked and heavy. I dont have a chest infection though that could be due to our hot humid weather its not cole enough outside for me to get sick in that way.

06-12-11, 11:08
PinkRoxy, did you look at the link for the earplugs I sent you? Just asking, because they don't go in your ears like normal ones. I can't really explain how they work, just have a look. I posted it for you because I can't wear normal earplugs either. They are painful, and I find it really disorientating when I can't hear properly.

06-12-11, 14:13
Hi Pink Roxy
I swim a lot each week and my ears went through a patch of itchiness. It turns out I have eczema in there which is very common and as I scratched it too much they became quite painful. The doctor has given me some ointment to put in and suggested I wear earplugs for swimming. I have earplugs now or I pull my swim cap down right over my ears and make sure I dry them well after and put some of my eczema cream in them. All fine now x

06-12-11, 19:13
Sorry Allinmyhead yeah I did have a look at the link and they do seem like a soft friendly ear plug its just a matter of finding them in NZ but yeah I did think they looked ok.

ZoJo I dont think Ive really had eczema before so I wouldnt know as its kind of hard to see in your own ear too lol.

But yeah I will have to look into something a lady at the pool said she gets her ears syringed.