View Full Version : Help please, sexual issue

02-06-06, 02:09
could any of the experts on here tell me if this likely given my situation, which is recently coming off Cipralex for anxiety, when having sex or masturbating, when I come I almost fit, kinda convulsing etc

quite a horrifying experience.

This happened during my anxiety but pre medication, seemingly fixed when on the meds (cipralex escitalopram) but now I'm off it seems to have come back

I did some research and came up with this (no pun intended)

"Upon ejaculating, he experienced an abrupt drop of the neurotransmitters acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin and the hormone testosterone in the brain and an excessive conversion of dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine (adrenalin) in the brain and adrenal medulla. As a result, the Central Nervous System contains excessive cortisol that induced initial Euphoria followed by subsequent depression and then lowered the threshold for seizure activity, resulting in the instability of his brain.
Here is his sexual response to orgasm (ejaculation):
Orgasmic Stress => Dopamine-adrenalin conversion => Stimulating Central Nervous System => Hypothalamus ==(CRF)==> Anterior Pituitary ==(ACTH)==> Adrenal Cortex => secreting Androgen, Aldosterone and Cortisol,
where Cortisol, in turn, floods and inhibits the Central Nervous System, Hypothalamus and Anterior Pituitary. Thus, excessive adrenalin triggers the flooding of excessive Cortisol into his brain."

Does this make sense to anyone?

If so how do I fix it?



02-06-06, 14:23
Hi Jack,
Yeah this does make some sense to me,it seems the chemical that was increased in your brain by taking your medication (serotonin) stopped the convulsions.

I can imagine its a horrifying experience but its not unheard of so dont worry.
Ill have a look on the web for some information that might help you and post what i come up with. (no pun intended)
Take care xx

02-06-06, 15:49
Hi again Jack,
Im really sorry i did have a look on the net for you but i could only find what i think you originally had?


Have you mentioned this to your doctor? They should be able to help you further,in the meantime i think eating certain foods can help raise the serotonin levels. It seems like you need to balance out the chemicals in your brain.

Im sorry i couldnt help you more.
Take care xx