View Full Version : ultrasound/symptoms.

03-12-11, 10:44
I have posted numerous posts about left sided pain in my left near my ovary,diarrhea,nausea and bad stomach pains. I had an ultrasound yesterday and she said my left ovary was bigger than my right so she used the probe thingy to have a better look. She says i have a cyst growing on my left ovary and also endometriosis. I know this must be the pain i have been feeling but does anyone know if this would cause my stomach/diarrhea symptoms? I also keep getting shooting pains in my upper left back/side. I have pains or uncomfortable feeling everywhere in my stomach as if i have bad wind but even if i burp etc it doesnt go away.

03-12-11, 13:11
Your symptoms are very much pointing to Endometriosis including stomach, diarrhea and shooting pains. Endo can also cause indigestion ... although I wouldn't usually suggest this it may be worth looking at some Endo forums... you will find lots of woman sharing these problems. HTH x

03-12-11, 14:08
Thanks ambers i have looked at a few sites and some mention stomach problems but then some don't. I think my stomach/bowel problems must be linked because they all started after my period was late and they are gradually getting worse.

03-12-11, 15:04
Are they giving you any treatment for it?

03-12-11, 15:15
I only had the scan yesterday and the lady doing the ultrasound said she is writing back to my doctor and he will decide what will happen next. She said they sometimes refer you to a gynaecologist and they might laser it off or monitor it but i was getting confused about whether she was talking about the endometriosis or the cyst.

03-12-11, 15:25
hi zippy,

I have endometriosis and often have shooting pains, bloating, constipation and general discomfort in that area. Not alot you can do for it really except keep a healthy diet and painkillers. Let me know if you hear anything else.

Jess xxx

03-12-11, 15:30
My main symptoms are pains by my left ovary,back/hip pain,diarrhea and loads of stomach issues i.e feeling full,wind pains all over my stomach etc. I am taking ibs medication but it isn't doing much because i still have bad diarrhea and wind pains etc.

05-12-11, 20:40
I have severe stage IV endometriosis, which was diagnosed when the found an 8cm cyst on my right ovary.
I also had endo on my bowel and bladder so used to get lots of stomach pains and shooting pains as well as pain when opening bowels.
Endo can grow almost anywhere and causes a lot of pain, but IT ISN'T life threatening or dangerous, just irritating and inconvenient.
They can normally remove a cyst during alaparoscopy (small incisions in tummy).
If you need any more info on endo, please feel free to pm me, having had around 9 operations and the severist form of tis, I feel I know everything about it!