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02-06-06, 06:05

02-06-06, 16:37
ooh meggy,just read this after replying to your other post.You are SO RIGHT ,EVERYTHING YOU ARE SAYING IS RIGHT,!!??ASK YOUR DR FOR GRIEF COUNCELLING!!A soon as possible hun,you have alot to get thru and the road will be hard at times,but once you KNOW this is the problem,you can start to get well.We are all made up of life experiences,and boy ,you have more than most.But it makes our uniqueness,who you are now ,ths unique human being is perfect.you simply need to allow yourself to FEEL the grief of loss,it is your time to heal.Let us know if you get referred for grief counselling.Meanwhile we can listen.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

04-06-06, 02:03

mary rose and you are right. We PTSD-ers all experience "range of effect" problems (dulled emotions) to varying degrees. It is for me one of the few remaing difficult, unsettled symptoms (5yrs, 12yrs delayed onset) and I am pushing hard for my psychiatrist to address this and make me somewhat "normal". I recently started sessions with a very high calibre psychologist (all for free!!) and I'm exploring this problem with her. If you can tap into resources like this, it would also serve to function as therapy about anger management, grief couseling and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy ("CBT") as well? If cost is an issue Meggy, perhaps mary rose' suggestion would be a good one to tackle first.

It took my psychiatrist and psychologist four years to get my major symptoms settled and manageable. The more you can read about, the more you can understand about PTSD. I think this helps a lot.

I sincerely hope you can begin to feel relief of these symptoms in not-too-long a time.
