View Full Version : Just need some one to chat to!!!!

03-12-11, 15:09
Hi to all,
Really desperate to chat with some/any one:weep: thats going through or been through derpersonalization/anxiety or just feeling detached.....would love to know what medication helped them, from the doctor or somthing natural from the health shop.....ive ended up taking a 2mg valium earlier this morning only had 2 hrs sleep( my sleep is terrible) and was so shakey when i woke and i think the lack of sleep is definitley making the deperson/detached feeling worse.....i don,t want to really take the valium scared of getting addicted (my mother was for 25 yrs) i just really feel that chatting to some one whos going through the same would really help me so much.
Manda xx

03-12-11, 15:46
My DR won't give me diazapan or valium he says its way to addictive. I dont think it hurts for a few weeks though. Im sorry you are feeling real bad. Imust admit i ditched or my pills so im going through it all cold turkey. Im seeing a councellor and the mental health team as i was on mirtz and sertaline and propanadol and i put on 3 stone. So icouldnt stand that. So i am back to size 10 but its taking me a year. I have not taken no medication for a year. It not for everyone and i would not suggest you copy me at all but being fat just made me more deppressed. But im seeing the mental health team soon for new treatment so fingers crossed. I do take my propandol to calm during the day though if the anxiety is real bad,like a panic attack. If you need to talk im here. I get very lonely too,im a recluse. xxxxx

---------- Post added at 15:46 ---------- Previous post was at 15:40 ----------

Oh yes i forgot i have bought camomile tea and yes it is real relaxing,it tastes foul though.lol and cause i wasn't sleeping i bought valerine root, which i have found really good too. It puts me to sleep and in the morning im real chilled out as normally i get the anxiety feeling right away as i open my eyes. The chilled feeling lasts to dinner time and i only take one at bedtime but they suggest two. Im going to try lemon balm next that also sounds good. xxxx

03-12-11, 16:11
I cant take any medication because im pregnant however i wont take any because im scared of taking tablets incase i have an allergic reaction, thats my biggest fear, fear that i wont be able to breathe etc. However many years ago i did try taking citroplam for 2 days which obviously i didnt give it much of a chance but i was sick none stop and it put me off!

I never feel like myself, i miss my old self which was happy go lucky, loved to have a laugh and although iv always been shy and things.. i still felt like i was living life as much to the full as possible. But then i started with my breathing, just feeling like i struggle to breathe everyday, and one thing led to another and now im at the stage where i cant even leave the house, and when i do its only because i have to and its NEVER alone!

My life has completely gone worse and getting worse. Like i say every day i feel either short of breathe or breathless. I get bad chest pains, and i have panic attacks a few times a day everyday, i cant sleep properly at night and i have to lie propt up so i can breathe abit better, i always wake up feeling like i cant get my breathe.
My chest is always wheezy and i always have to cough. I dont smoke and im not over wieght or anything like that. Im at my wits end and i just have noone to talk to, no friends or anything, noone really gets me to be honest.

My partner doesnt really understand me and i have to beg him to help try and relax me like rub my shoulders etc. So it would be nice if you would like to talk sometime?

04-12-11, 17:11
Just Sarah
Your breathlessness and shortness of breath can be managed with relaxation and retraining of breathing technique. Your tension is in your chest musculature and I expect you are breathing shallow and rapid. This would give you the symptoms you describe but be the trigger for your panic attacks. Breathing abnormally is at the heart of all panic attacks. If you would like some advice PM me as I have some information regarding breathing techniques if you may feel it may be useful.

Vanilla Sky
04-12-11, 20:13
Come into the chatroom sometime and share your worries with others that have been there , you can get some good advise