View Full Version : Had a panic attack 10 mins ago..question

03-12-11, 18:03
I sat down to have my dinner and all of a sudden i had a panic attack,
I could actually feel the blood pulsing and rushing in my arms, I leaned my hand down on the sofa and i could then feel the pulse in my wrist beating so so fast. My ears also popped too

My question is Does anyone else get this? I have calmed down a little now.I would like to know if your heart rate increases so much is it dangerous?

i'm on meds for acid reflux at the moment, because of my anxiety and mebervirne for my ibs.

My anxiety has been so high the past couple of days and the panic attack just topped it off :(

03-12-11, 18:20
Hi what meds r u on for ur acid reflux? i had some prescribed for me that sent my anxiety soaring?? I also get near enough every symptom yoyuve just prescribed happen to me during a panic attack :hugs: xx

03-12-11, 18:38
Hi Nicola I am on ranitidine, what was you prescribed? My anxiety has got really high in the last few days :( racing heart etc, I got so scared when i could feel the blood rushing through me :( :hugs:

03-12-11, 18:41
I have had IBS since i was a teenager and panic attacks for about 15/20 years and my doctors has never offered me any meds for either - I have just decided to take bull by the horns and try to beat my panic attacks but think will go back to doctors about IBS meds.

I have also recently been geting constant heartburn everyday but that may be because I am not the most healthiest or smallest portion eater.

I've haven't experienced the sensations you have had and hope you overcome them- I am so glad I found this site and forum to speak with other people who can understand & relate to our situation

Wishing you better days ahead :bighug1:

03-12-11, 18:47
I was on omeprazole and then ranitidine and both of them seemed to heighten my anxiety so i dont bother with anything now and just take a swig of gaviscon if i neeed to!!! panic attacks are awful with ur heart racing, breathing heavy and the feeling of ur blood gushing round u.......urgh! xx

03-12-11, 19:01
I'm thinking of coming off them now! i dont want high anxiety over christmas :( did the doc actually say it could of been the cause? yes there awful esp when your trying to have a meal ! xxx

03-12-11, 19:05
Think it says in the side effects it can cause anxiety?? haven't told my doc im not taking them as not seen him since i just stopped them xx

03-12-11, 19:17
Sorry smiffy didnt see your message! - thank you, i hope you feel better soon too, this site has helped me so so much :hugs:

I tried not to read the side effect nicola i had a skim through and saw something like it can mess with your blood cells and if you feel faint when taking these its a bad side effect but i always feel faint with anxiety so i was like what do i do lol is it ok just to stop them? how long was you on them for?this is my third day of taking them xx

03-12-11, 19:20
I only took them for about 3 days aswell i think twice a day and i just stopped them, i don't usually read the side effects cause my hubby always takes the leaflet out any meds i get!! xx

03-12-11, 19:22
What was your anxiety like, all day yesterday i had a racing heart i tried getting out of taking these and said to the doc on the phone, i read the side effects and i dont want to take them but she convinced me there safe and there over the counter so i took them but i feel so shakey and on edge its unreal! i take mine at 10 am and 10pm xx

03-12-11, 19:29
You can buy them over the counter, there zantac, but that dose is alot lower to what doc would prescribe, try just taking 1 at bedtime?? u might not need the one in the morning? for me i didn't know if it was them causing my increased anxiety or if it was just me so i stopped them as didn't want to contribute towards my already existing anxiety xx

04-12-11, 01:10
yea i used to get that all the time,it feels so so real when it happens,but its not actually happening,its all an illusion:bighug1:

04-12-11, 14:24
Nicola did you get gas pain when on the tablets? had bad tummy pains this morning :(

But it feels so real petepie!?xx

07-12-11, 04:29
Hi! I was also just last week prescribed rantidine and it made me feel weird as well. I stopped taking it and am feeling a little better. I'm finding that the only real way to feel better is naturally and with positive, strong thinking. I hope things get better for you, I know they can!