View Full Version : Are we living in a self-centred world?

03-12-11, 18:31
After reading one friends status on Facebook it made me think if we are becoming a selfish and ignorant nation. She had broken down on the side of a busy A-road with her young daughter in the car and not one person stopped to help her or even ask if she was ok.

Some people just seem so selfish nowadays, is there an underlying cause for the selfishness? Are people just scared to stop and help people for fear of what they could be or are people just self-centred and take what they want from life and do not want to give things back again because life is too hectic and people are too busy to help.

Do people really just not care about people in the same way anymore.

‘treat people how you want to be treated yourself’ seems to have gone
totally out of the window and it seems to be take take take at the minute and never give give give. That may just be due to the time of year and everyone is just stressed and do not have it in them to take on some of the stresses of other people’s lives.

I would love to say that if I saw someone on the side of the road and in need I would help but I guess it really depended on the situation. If there were a gang of youths on the side of the road in a broken down car would I stop to ask if they needed any help? No I wouldn’t. If there was a mother on the side of the road with her young daughter in the car would I stop to ask if she needed any help, yes I think I would. But again, being a woman if I was alone in my car would I stop for a single man who had broken down, that I don’t think I would…… I am pretty sure that is down to today’s thinking and not trusting people because of their reputations.

I am guessing it is the same online as it is in ‘real life’you take peoples reputations into consideration, you make assumptions about people just from what you have heard, what you personally think about them and what they have said to you even if it is not a true representation of what people are…………If you do not like what you see you will stay away even if the person needs help.

So I think what I am saying is that people do seem to be more selfish and self-centred, but that seems to be how it is nowadays with peoples life the way it is. I am also guessing that if you ask most people they would want to change this but never do anything about it.

Do a good deed for somebody in need. It may come back to you some day.:D

03-12-11, 22:19
Hi Venusbluejeans,

so sorry to hear about your friend, I hope they both are alright. I would have stopped, and went to help. I'm always thinking of treat others the way you want to be treated.

I even give to those who dont have in the street, it may not be much, but it's something to help them.

not all people are selfish. there are some good people out there.
