View Full Version : neck stomach feel awful

03-12-11, 19:07
Hi All
Got a stiff neck all the time,and seem to be suffering with pressure on the top part of my stomach now.
was on propranolol for 2 weeks but the doctor took me off yesterday and said there no good.(feeling faint alot)
Im now on something else.

This is the things im getting

Neck stiff
Feeling bloated pressure on upper stomach.
Throat problems just uncomfortable,not sore
feeling faint
headaches,more of a stab in the head than a proper headache
fed up
thinking im ill
and obvioulsly the normal attacks.
short fused, if it dosent go right i get in a state.

Doctor didnt even examine me he said theres nothing wrong with you apart from your panic disorder.

Im begining to wonder:scared15:

03-12-11, 20:02
Its the Anxiety and Panic that is making you wonder. Once you have been checked by the Doctor and given the all clear, then it may be time to try some CBT. This will help you.
What happens is you get a symptom and then immediatly focus on that symptom making it worse and adding to it. Remember it is just a symtom of Panic and Anxiety and cant hurt you.

04-12-11, 05:57
Hi Lee, wondering if some of your symptoms could be due to a virus that is doing the rounds? Both me and my OH (who doesn't have any anxiety or panic probs) along with a neighbour of ours (that's about it, we are very rural, lol) have had the same thing! Sore, stiff neck, head pains, weakness, lightheadedness, throat feels 'full' and almost swollen if that makes sense. And stomach troubles too.
The old neighbour said she had visited a man who'd spent a week in bed with a virus, so I'm blaming her, lol. We've had this for a fortnight now, hoping it goes away soon.