View Full Version : Doctors visit and extra heartbeats

03-12-11, 23:05
Hi guys,

I been experiencing extra heartbeats for a few weeks now and they are not nice at all.

It feels like an adrenaline short at the top of my stomach followed by extra beats. Sometimes its a real thump in the chest!

Anyways, i been ignoring them but went to the doctors for a check up.

Blood pressure 138/89 (no idea if thats good or bad)

Said my pulse was perfect and then listened to my chest. He spent ages listening to one part of my chest on the right side and then said I have the occasional extra heart beat.

However I didnt even feel those extra beats!

So I gotta be honest and say im now pretty worried. Apart from the extra frequency of those that I notice, I now apparently have some that I dont notice.

So im feeling pretty down about how many i get in a day and why am i getting them? Are they harmfull?

And what can i do to help them??

Any thoughts much appreciated!

03-12-11, 23:09
Did the doctor seem worried? Has he said what you should do next?

03-12-11, 23:13
He asked what the cardioligist said back in 2007 is all.

He didnt realy say anything to be honest. :(

03-12-11, 23:17
Hmm thats weird, but maybe a good thing because it might mean he wasn't too worried and could tell that they were nothing to be concerned about.

To be honest, I really relate to that feeling you said about an adrenaline shot at the top of your stomach, its really scary and not nice at all :ohmy:

How come you saw a cardiologist in 07?

04-12-11, 07:21
I used to get this, and they used to terrify me, especially the 'thuds'! But I hardly notice my heartbeat these days, my mind concentrates on other bodily symptoms now!!

If the doctor wasn't concerned, then try not to worry yourself, or if you can't settle your mind, get a second opinion. :)

04-12-11, 22:06
Everyone gets ectopic hearbeats but non anxious people don't feel them:huh: typical just something else for us to put up with. Did you know Drs don't even tell people when they have them unless the patient mentions them as they are considered a normal variation of your heartbeat.

The only time a Dr would even think twice is if someone older noticed them for the first time and had risk factors for heart disease so they would do an ecg to see if anything else was wrong with the heart.

I was told many time over the years that ectopics are harmless but horrible.
Very hard to believe when they are at their worst but true.