View Full Version : hello

02-06-06, 08:38
Hi everyone
im michelle & new to this site
have suffered with agoraphobia for about 7 years now & had been on the dreaded seroxat until about march time. i felt so happy before christmas i didnt think i needed medication. over the last 3 weeks i guess things have slipped quickly downhill again!
went to see my gp who started me cipramil (citalopram) had one dose this week & no thanks, couldnt lift my head off the pillow!
i see a CBT nurse who is brilliant, i have armed myself with loads of books & i am really really positive i am going to beat this thing.
i work as a nurse & this week i have had to have a couple of days off work with everything, also a single mum so i cant afford to be off work.
last week i cried non stop feeling sorry for myself that i was going to be really ill again & in all honesty the thought of that was enough to make me suicidal, life isnt life with agoraphobia, its a living hell!
I have superb support from neighbours, friends & family & i am positive i am going to do well..... (must remember to read this posting on a day i dont feel as good! lol )
My 9 year old daughter has even designed me a star chart, proudly stuck on the fridge, for mums walks & hey if i walk every day for 7 weeks i get a chocolate bar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SOOOOOO hello to everyone here :)

marie ross
02-06-06, 09:45
Hi Michelle

Welcome to the forum, i hope you find a lot of help and good friends here. Sorry your feeling so bad at the moment, but you will get there, everyone here is willing to listen and your daughter sounds really sweet!!!!

Take care.

Marie XXX

02-06-06, 10:07
Hi Michelle

Welcome from another agoraphobic.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

02-06-06, 11:07
Hi Shell,

Welcome to the site, I dont have agrophobia, but i do have health anxiety which is a killer to live with also.

Hope you find as much comfort here as i have done.

Take care

Hay x

02-06-06, 11:19
Hi Michelle, you sound like you have some good support, and you are taking some positive moves. You'll find lots of help and support here.
Take care


'This too will pass'

02-06-06, 12:23
thanks all ;)
have managed to walk further today (with a friend tho) than i have in about 8 years :)
i look at people that walk past my house & think how brave they are walking, & like my therapist said, they arent brave, its u thats brave cus u face things u dont like every day... :)
gonna attack the dreaded tescos now ;)
watch out world here i come :)

great quote ;)

the glory is not in falling, it is getting back up each time we have fallen!

02-06-06, 12:46
Hi Michelle,

welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

With a positive attitude and determination like you are showing you will beat his.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

02-06-06, 16:03
Hello there and welcome to the forum

Shiv x

Granny Primark
02-06-06, 16:32
hi michelle, just stay positive and youl beat this im sure. Support from your family and friends will help you loads. And i know that people on this website will give you loads of support. Your daughter sounds fantastic, can i borrow her lol.
Goody luck and take care,

02-06-06, 16:40
Welcome to the forum Michelle
Love Helen

02-06-06, 17:31
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi everyone
im michelle & new to this site
have suffered with agoraphobia for about 7 years now & had been on the dreaded seroxat until about march time. i felt so happy before christmas i didnt think i needed medication. over the last 3 weeks i guess things have slipped quickly downhill again!
went to see my gp who started me cipramil (citalopram) had one dose this week & no thanks, couldnt lift my head off the pillow!
i see a CBT nurse who is brilliant, i have armed myself with loads of books & i am really really positive i am going to beat this thing.
i work as a nurse & this week i have had to have a couple of days off work with everything, also a single mum so i cant afford to be off work.
last week i cried non stop feeling sorry for myself that i was going to be really ill again & in all honesty the thought of that was enough to make me suicidal, life isnt life with agoraphobia, its a living hell!
I have superb support from neighbours, friends & family & i am positive i am going to do well..... (must remember to read this posting on a day i dont feel as good! lol )
My 9 year old daughter has even designed me a star chart, proudly stuck on the fridge, for mums walks & hey if i walk every day for 7 weeks i get a chocolate bar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SOOOOOO hello to everyone here :)

<div align="right">Originally posted by shell100 - 02 June 2006 : 09:38:43</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

02-06-06, 17:37
Hi Michelle,

Welcome to the most helpful site in the worldxx

Mandy xx

02-06-06, 17:47
Hi shell100, sorry, made a mess of my last posting.
Anyway, I too was on Seroxat for three years or so. Came off them without too many problems. You do need to persevere with Citalopram, some of the side-effects are troublesome, but probably better than suffering from anxiety and depression. It does take several weeks for the drug to kick in. I had sick leave from work when I started the Citalopram, maybe you can ask to do this too.
All the same, I had fantastic help from my wife and work colleague when I was going through my life of hell, and you do need this help, it's very difficult to beat anxiety and epecially depression on your own.
Best of luck and take care,Stefan.

02-06-06, 20:18
hi michelle

and well done to the smart nine year old you have


03-06-06, 12:23
hello everyone :)
thank you for your welcomes ;)
its lovely actually being able to come on here & for people to understand exactly how your feeling & offer support.
Does anxiety make people lovely or are we just predisposed to it because we are so nice!
i sometimes wish i was some hard nosed b*****d who was selfish & self centred who didnt give a flying fig for anyone but myself.........
but then i wouldnt be me :)
does anyone know of any support groups here in the midlands.......not too far as i have car but cant travel :)

03-06-06, 13:24
hi michelle
and welcome to no more panic...
wow what a great attitude to have... its great to know you have people around you that understand and what a fantastic little girl your daughter sounds...
this site is great and people will totally understand how you feel... and you will make some great friends too
take care

04-06-06, 12:49
Hi Michelle

Welcome to the forum.

You might find the following information helpful:

First Steps (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=firststeps)

Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=symptoms)

Links post: Links to posts about Common Problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7784)

Starting on recovery/Agoraphobia Agorophobia (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6184)
im back now! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6310)
Agoraphobic - how did that happen? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6745)

Your positive attitude and determination will help you to get through this. You will find a lot of help and support here.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

04-06-06, 12:58
hi michelle im also new on here also have agoraphobia and was also given cipramol that i turned down...:D Felt like a zombie on them
My doctor has just decided that i need therapy to try and get over it hopefully this will help.Family and friends are inded a great help and i know we will find lots of help and support on here .Welcome xx