View Full Version : Scared again!

04-12-11, 14:24
Hi everyone, hope you're all doing ok. I was having a good few days there, was busy with work and down in London. I didn't see my dad all week but he came to my work on Friday night to drop my car off to me, I literally spoke to him for about a minute. Then yesterday morning he texted me to say not to go to his house, he was in bed with diahorrea. I spoke to him last night and he said he was very shivery and then this morning he said he felt much better but was sick during the night. It was obviously a stomach bug. I have a total phobia of sickness, have had it most of my life so now I'm starting to worry!
I read that people aren't infectious until they start showing symptoms but I'm worried that there will be some germs on my steering wheel or something! I'm too scared to eat right now, even though I'm hungry. What do you all think the likelihood of me catching this thing could be? x

04-12-11, 15:49
Buy some anti bacterial wipes and anti bacterial hand cleanser... should set your mind at ease.

I work in a school and sometimes worry about getting germs from students when they are sick, so I always carry antibacterial hand cleanser with me. :-)