View Full Version : What are these meds doing to me!?

04-12-11, 14:29
I was prescribed Lansoprazole for acid reflux but my doc switched me over because of side effects.
I am now on ranitidine, which has made my anxiety worse, im on my 4th day and this morning was terrible!

I woke up with the worst tummy pain, chest pain and back pain. mainly on my right side, and shoulder blade, I could hardly move, I laid on my back and felt my tummy, and when I did press down I could feel the gas and I broke wind, then the pain went.... altho I still feel abit gassy now!

Can meds for acid reflux cause these horrible gas pains? I keep burping and passing wind more then I normally do. The pain was horrible I don't want it back again :(

04-12-11, 17:20
Yes they can miss sunshine, the reason is quite simple in that your digestive system works on a quite precise PH. This PH triggers the valve at the bottom of your stomach and allows it to open. Your tablets have lowered that acidity in your stomach so upping the PH which causes a sluggish digestive system. This is the reason for the symptoms you describe.
Your medication is prescribed by the doctor on a risk basis.
In other words does the risk of acid reflux outweigh the risk of a sluggish digestive system. Acid reflux long term is not good for you so the doctor feels that for you the risk is ok. With time you will adjust to the tablets and then ask to try the lansoprazole again as it is so much more effective for acid reflux and long term is better than ranitidine.

06-12-11, 19:24
Thanks for reply ronski. I am starting to feel a little better but still get odd gas pains, I will put up with them to get rid of the acid reflux, doctor knows best!
Thanks again!