View Full Version : What is CBT?

04-12-11, 16:31
Obvioulsy i know it stands for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy,

The reason i ask is... a couple of years ago i had Councelling with an NHS person, but what i went through seems a lot different to CBT and what others have encountered...

Basically i had a book called "Coping with Health Anxiety" and each session we just looked through it, maybe sometimes taking notes, but most of teh sessions were chatting to my therapist... rather than doing a work book or anything similiar?


Third link down....

04-12-11, 16:38
Have you read this link:


That may explain it more

04-12-11, 16:48
CBT, in basic terms, consists of actively trying to change your thoughts surrounding events/situations so that your feelings about the event change as a result. That's like the most basic way to explain it. Workbooks are just one technique that some counselors do, so without knowing what your counselor actively did in each session, he/she could have done some cognitive therapy without you having to do worksheets or anything like that. There are many different techniques in CBT.

04-12-11, 16:57
Yeah as i say i had the "Coping with Health Anxiety" Booklet, which we looked through and it outlined stuff like thoughts triggering symptoms trigger more thoughts etc.... But i don't feel we necessarily went through techniques so to speak.

The reason im asking is because i was thinking about doing CBT but dont know if i already have done it... if that makes sense! lol

Basically with my therapist at the start of each session she asked me to fill out a questionnaire about how im feeling... then we looked at the book and discussed things on my mind... and was asked to read certain parts of the book as "Homework"