View Full Version : Feeling rough...

04-12-11, 17:19
Feeling quite rough today, headachey, foggy mind, weakness, extreme tiredness, constant worrying, muscle tightness, to be honest I feel like I've had the flu or something but I know I haven't, restless like you don't know what to do with yourself.

Would this be something to do with me withdrawing from fluoxetine ready to take a different AD? or is this just purely how anxiety is... ?

04-12-11, 22:40
You've probably hit the nail on the head there, it's most likely withdrawal (depending on how long you've been on them and what dose etc).

05-12-11, 07:51
I agree with you... I was taking 60mg flux, then went down to 40mg and now to 20mg

05-12-11, 14:47
yes this definately sounds like withdrawal to me, typical symptoms you describe, hope it settles for you soon. x

06-12-11, 16:03
Thank you pink dove xxx

06-12-11, 18:04
hi butterfly, just wondering if you are feeling any better now ? i hope so xx

06-12-11, 18:24
Thanks for thinking of me pinkdove.. I'm tired and headachey today x