View Full Version : can you have anxiety without feeling particularly anxious?

04-12-11, 18:49

i have virtually all the symptoms of it, chest pains, shortness of breath, muscles aches/twitches, dizziness, feeling detatched and regular panic attacks etc. But i dont feel anxious, or stressed, i was sailing along quite nicely in life until my first panic attack....and havent felt the same since

Sorry if it sounds like a silly question, i just really dont really know what to do anymore...

miss polly
04-12-11, 18:56
I'm not sure! Nothing would surprise me when it comes to anxiety! I often have a constant low level anxiety which I'm very used to. I probably wouldn't recognise it as even being anxiety if it weren't for the fact that the slightest untoward occurrence sends me into orbit ie. a panic attack. So to answer your question, probably yes!

04-12-11, 23:00
These symptoms could be your body telling you it's there and you are currently able to maintain it, which is great.

The best thing is you can deal with it now and perhaps try to identify what could be causing it so you can tackle it (I have a degree in hindsight :doh:).

It's always best to see a GP anyway to rule out other things.