View Full Version : ate to much yesterday and keep putting on weight

04-12-11, 18:57
yesterday i was a real pig :(
i had two mini sausage rolls a bag of popcorn, a tuna roll and a load of pringles, a glass of white wine and a barcadi breezer and fanta.
Im 5 foot 2 but nearly 10 stone and im fat :'(
i want to exercise but at school i used to get bullied in PE, tripped up by people, balls thrown at my head etc and it put me off exercise and instead i ate. today i had two slices of toast a banana, curry and apple crumble. im so unfit i get out of breath at the slightest thing and i feel fat and i hate it.

04-12-11, 19:24
Emma, that really isn't much to eat, I eat a lot more than that most days and don't put on any weight from it. The main thing that will stop you is being active and plenty of exercise, if you aren't burning off the food you eat, then you will put weight on, but not much from the amount you are eating. Also avoid junk food like sausage rolls, pringles etc.. most of what you have listed that you have eaten and drunk in the last two days isnt good for you, and very fatty, so that won't help things.

04-12-11, 19:30
Thanks. I walk too and from places but i dont count that as exercise even though it is.
I eat more when im out and yesterday i was out. Today was a better day. I dont want to be to big as it makes me feel bad. but i wont to loose weight healthily not like last year were i was so anxious i couldnt eat and lost two stone.

---------- Post added at 19:30 ---------- Previous post was at 19:29 ----------

i also had a smoothie and big glass of orange juice today.

04-12-11, 19:32
The simple formula to lose weight is eat less ( or healthier ) and exercise more, basically the opposite of what put the weight there in the first place. You do need to do both though, as just one on its own doesnt have the same effect.

Walking is good exercise, but it does depend how far you are walking and how fast, if you do long walks quite briskly then this will be better.

04-12-11, 19:36
Thank you. Instead of jumping on the bus i will try to walk home from now and more often aswell and cut out the rubbish lol

---------- Post added at 19:36 ---------- Previous post was at 19:34 ----------

my thighs are big though and my tummy and i feel sick looking at my self

Vanilla Sky
04-12-11, 20:10
You can do it Emma , every time you go to eat rubbish food just stop and think .. do i really need this , am i actually hungry ? Try to have something a little less guilty instead lol . Walking is a good form of excercise.
Good luck xx

04-12-11, 20:39
Thank you. Im not over weight yet but i will be if i keep on like this. gotta stop it now.

---------- Post added at 20:39 ---------- Previous post was at 20:18 ----------

also more than anything i enjoy walking rather than getting the bus to places but i always feel stressed and then end up on the bus. anyway tommorow ive know choice but to walk about a 1.5 mile to meet someone as ive run out of money.

04-12-11, 21:30
I do the same Emma, I eat all the time for comfort and because food is my friend and I worry about my health as well. If it wasn't for all the walking I do and playing football with my son I'd be huge by now!

I worry about diabetes as my dad has that, and about other illnesses caused by the wrong diet, but as long as I'm this miserable I cant see it changing.

If its any consolation, what you said you ate wasn't that much at all it was perhaps the wrong kinds of foods if anything. Do you have proper dinners? That will help you to stop snacking and you can have things that are filling but not too bad for you like spaghetti bolognese, roast dinners, jacket potato with tuna, homemade pizza, veggie chilli with rice...all these things are amazing to eat but help you not to eat junk in between.

My problem is I eat a proper dinner but then I eat all the crap stuff too :doh:

Do try to do some exercise, go for a really long walk to start and listen to music. You may feel crap at first but I guarantee that by the end of it you will feel ten times better and with a clearer head. It really is therapeutic.

Don't give yourself a hard time about what you eat, as this tends to make us feel guilty and then to deal with this we 'eat our feelings' to comfort ourselves.

Finally, if you get chance read this book http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fat-Feminist-Issue-Susie-Orbach/dp/0099271540/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1323034171&sr=8-2

It is a revelation.

Hope this helps, take care of yourself x

04-12-11, 22:02
just read the calorie content, things like muffins can have 500 calories in one, a large bag of crisps can be 600, a can of coke about 250 etc...
It's more of a case of keeping the junk food as a treat and not eating them most days.

just eat more healthy and fill up on healthy foods :)

04-12-11, 23:03
Eat things as close to the natural condition as possible ie. milk instead of cheese. apple instead of apple juice.
You probably haven't realised that you are eating more like you used to as you need it again! Its a good sign. Eat when you are hungry, not more or less. Just good stuff and the odd treat. Can't go wrong there :)

05-12-11, 01:36
Emma, there are small changes that you can make, and regimes to stick to that can help you a lot.

Like you, I am not an exercise fan. I am a member of a gym but hardly go through lack of motivation (when I'm feeling down) and I much prefer to exercise at home these days. Believe it or not, you can do this easily and without the need for any very expensive equipment.

These are a few things you can do in terms of exercise:

You can find loads of free workout videos online. Just Google them. They do ones you can do at home, without equipment. You can also find them on Itunes (if you have it on your PC)

Dance is brilliant exercise. I listen to music with my earphones on dance about in my bedroom. It sound loony but it works.

Walk everywhere you can, if it's within a reasonable walking distance of course. Apparently 20 mins of exercise, 4-5 times a week is recommended. If you enjoy walking then that target can be reached quite easily if you make the effort (I know it is hard sometimes though)

Diet wise, well I do sympathise with you. I always reach for the crappy foods when I am anxious or feeling depressed. Frankly, there is no way on God's green earth I could cut them out completely! What I do is limit the amount of junk I eat every day.

I don't think we should deny ourselves a treat, it is just about getting the proportion right, that's all. I limit myself to 2 treats a day:

One packet of crisps and a 'sweet treat' per day (like a couple of low calorie biscuits with my tea, or a small choccy bar like a small kitkat)

I also stick to 3 meals a day and don't eat in between, except for the treats.

I also agree with Mishel - it is also about reading the packets of food you buy and buying 'balanced' foods that are low in calories, low in sugar, fats and carbs. Most things these days have it all on the label anyway. You don't have to cut out a ton of things you enjoy IMO, just be careful about WHAT you eat and how much of it.

Try not to give yourself a hard time. If you are feeling rubbish and want a treat, have one, just do it all in moderation hun.

Take care.x:winks:

05-12-11, 17:39
Thank you. went for a 30 min walk day all though didnt want to but feel better that i did and havnt eaten junk today x
sometimes i get a pain in arm (near elbow) when strecthing and now after sitting for 2 hours i have a pain in the back of my calf like its bulging out.

---------- Post added at 17:39 ---------- Previous post was at 16:35 ----------

i also have a white hair sticking out of my cheek eek and thats made me loose a lot of confidence lol.

05-12-11, 18:04
Hi Emma
It's not the amount you are eating it is the type of things, sometimes the things we think are ok turn out to be really high in fat and calories. I have been doing the Tesco GI diet which is fab because it makes you feel fuller for longer. I used to go to the drawer and nick the kids choccies but now I reach for a banana instead. I keep some green and blacks 70% coco chocolate in for a chocolate fix and a few small squares will usually satisfy. Try to introduce gradual changes like Brown bread and brown rice and bulk up food with veg.
Have you tried zumba? There are local classes popping up every where and it is a great calorie burner. I went back for the first time this morning and had forgotten how much I liked it (and I am not an exercise fan). Find something you enjoy because you are more likely to stick to it.
As for the hair could you try laser treatment, shouldn't be too expensive if it is just one small area.
Sending you lots of luck

05-12-11, 20:11
Hi emma,
I feel the same about myself but honestly you are a good weight :) can you come on facebook xx