View Full Version : Just got back from A&E

04-12-11, 22:47
So as i posted in my other post the other night i was suffering from horrible upper left tummy pains after i ate etc..

anyway i did the worse and started googling and convinced myself i have pancreatic cancer.. needless to say i was a complete mess and the pains where so bad i just had to go and see someone about it..

cut a long story short the doctor had a feel around and noticed i was in alot of pain when he touched a certain part of my tummy.. he said not to worry about pancreatic cancer but he has referred me to see a gastro person (no idea what they are called) he recons it could be a tummy ulcer

has anyone had one of these or troubles like this?

04-12-11, 22:50

My sister had exactly the same thing a few months ago.

She was told it was either severe acid reflux/heartburn or a small ulcer.

She was just prescribed lansoprazole for 4 weeks, sent home and it cleared up.

Hope you feel better soon.x

04-12-11, 22:55

My sister had exactly the same thing a few months ago.

She was told it was either severe acid reflux/heartburn or a small ulcer.

She was just prescribed lansoprazole for 4 weeks, sent home and it cleared up.

Hope you feel better soon.x

Do you mind me asking what her diet was like as she healed up? Was she told not to eat anything in particular?

04-12-11, 22:59
This is quite common.

I had similar a few years ago only my pains were in the chest and back.

I was prescribed Zantac which were an absolute god send.

Ulsers can be very treatable but jings they do hurt at the time, especially after eating.


04-12-11, 23:05
Thanks everyone thank the lord for this forum seriously!

Deb what were her symptoms etc?

04-12-11, 23:08
I was told to cut out fried, spicy, salty foods.

Also gassy frizzy juice, coffee etc.

Try to stick to a bland diet until you see the gastro doc as they will gove you something for it.

You'll be absolutely fine hun.


04-12-11, 23:26
That is a good idea lisa i have to say i drink so much fizzy :(

i am just still so worried about pancreatic cancer

05-12-11, 01:04
Do you mind me asking what her diet was like as she healed up? Was she told not to eat anything in particular?

Sorry for the slow reply spidergrrl.

The doc told her to basically stay away from anything strong and spicy, and foods that create gas, as Lisa said.

These just irritate the stomach which causes the problem to continue/worsen.

She avoided these foods and stuck to plain stuff and all was fine.

I too have had problems with reflux, and experienced the pain you describe, and I truly sympathise as it can be excrutiating. It is incredible how painful gastric problems can be actually.

I am certain that all will be just fine for you.
