View Full Version : Upper stomach pain and fear of GI bleeding

05-12-11, 01:29
I am a long time sufferer of HA. I am 40, male, smoker and not on meds. I have GERD and IBS. I have been under a ton of stress as I work full time, go to grad school full, have 3 small kids and a house that always needs something done to it. I have been having a lot of heart burn lately, not sleeping and not eating well. I am freaking out right now as I am having upper stomach pressure and I think I am burping up the taste of blood. I will admit that 6 years ago I had upper GI bleeding from GERD erosions and completely flipped out. I went to the ER, had an endoscopy and given lots of xanax. I think it is happening again. I am worried sick. I am on GERD drugs but I don't know what to think. I can't afford a trip to the ER. Anyone to listen would be great right now. I feel like I am going to pass out. Thanks in advance.


05-12-11, 15:56
So many hours later I am still hovering around panic. I feel the need to race off to a doctor but I don't know that anything would come of it except being dismissed by the dr and me being out a couple of hundred bucks. I hate this HA:mad:

05-12-11, 16:23
hi mate
Im having this at the moment too,full of gas and upper stomach pressure,especially when you try to go sleep,ive been abit like you recently stressed out so much to do,my job is a worry.

You maybe just thinking you can taste blood,because you have had this before your looking for it.

Maybe just worth poping into doctors just to be sure.

Hope you feel better soon.