View Full Version : Please help chest pain, cold sweat scared

05-12-11, 15:07
I have had chest pain all morning it started when I was in the shower washing my hair. It feels worse when I breathe in and move my arm so am wondering if it is muscle related?

I just come over in a cold sweat and began tingling all in my chest and face.

I am now really scared I am alone with my 3 year old daughter and trying not to panic but not had this before, I have had it since just after 8 this morning.

It is on left side above and over my left breast area and slightly towards the center. It is an ache and when I breathe in it gets worse.

I have been on citolapram 10mg for 5 days could this be a side effect? Could it be muscular or is it something worse I am panicking I am going to kill over or something and trying to relax but cant :( I want it to stop I would take ibuprofen to see if that helps but dont know if i can on my medication it is called cipromil but is the same as citrolapram I think

Help anyone please

---------- Post added at 11:59 ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 ----------

I am 25

---------- Post added at 12:05 ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 ----------

I also feel a bit sick and the pain or ache goes right up to my left shoulder,. it is dull untill i breathe in then it aches more, I have to walk my daughter to school in a minute and hoping the fresh air helps.

---------- Post added at 15:07 ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 ----------

anyone? I am still getting it and googled heart attack and agina came up. I thought that it hurt more when breathing and moving was a reassuring thing but apparently its not

05-12-11, 15:41
It sounds like muscular tension to me... I've had similar symptoms many times before, and even gone to A&E with them....and all test results were normal. When I get symptoms like this now, I usually manage to convince myself that it's muscle related, even though I initially freak out and think about my heart... but as my counsellor once said after six months of the symptoms ''this is the longest onset of a heart attack I've ever heard of!!!'' It puts things into perspective when I remember her wise words. :-)

If you're really worried, call NHS Direct.

05-12-11, 15:45
I have a doctors appointment after 5 do you think he will be able to tell if something is wrong without doin an ECG?

05-12-11, 15:51
Yes, I'm sure they can tell..... the problem is when we google our symptoms, we are often 'looking' for the worst case scenario (we are anxious people after all!) which means that for us, when we search, our answer will always be heart attack for arm and chest pain, and stroke for headache, etc....

We have to remember that there are many causes of chest pain, including stomach problems (acid reflux) and very commonly, muscle tension.

Go see your GP, and if you're really not able to settle your mind, call NHS Direct. but I think your GP is really your best best. Is your GP sympathetic? I've mostly been lucky, and had really good GPs who are very understanding about anxiety.

05-12-11, 15:54
I go to a big practice of doctors and as have a last minute appointment not sure what doctor I will see but hope he can put my mind at ease. It started at 8ish this morning and I think it's got worse I don't feel breathless I don't think but do feel very agitated and tho it don't hurt more if I breathe normal it does if I breathe on deeply.