View Full Version : anxiety is going but as it goes i am getting more and more depressed =( PLEASE READ

05-12-11, 14:45
as my anxiety goes , which is a big plus for me because it means my hypnotherapy is working , i keep getting myself upset over stupid things.

example :

i worry that i have no qualifications and that even though i will be starting a part time course in January , i feel like its not enough

I worry myself sick about the future and about whether or not i will be able to afford a house, or keep down a job or ever feel happy again.

I am only 17....i have nothing to do until january and although its not that long away, i'd rather start the course not feeling depressed =(

any suggestions?


ive done really well with NO medication and i want to continue not doing so .... I WILL BEAT THIS NATURALLY! lol xx

05-12-11, 14:59
Hi, yes you have done so well, i have read your previous posts, i think you are overthinking everything, you are only 17, and you have such a lot to look forward too, when i feel like you, i find distraction helps, reading, or i play some of the games on this site, it just keeps my mind occupied, keep up the good work, it sounds to me as if you are nearly there. take care x

05-12-11, 15:08
thank you =) that really helped =) i think being a hormonal teenager doesn't help the healing processs lol xxx take care

05-12-11, 15:19
Hi :)

I am so sorry that the black dog is sitting on your back while you are conquering your panic and anxiety . They often go hand in hand as you will know . I often wonder if because the anxiety has such awful physical symptoms that we take more heed of that than the other equally distressing depression.
What came first sometimes is hard to rationalise .
For me it was the draining anxiety that tipped me over the edge to depression.

So .....I completely understand your fears about the future re work and having your own home .being content .
It is an uncertain time here in UK and abroad .............and the news makes sure we dont forget it . Good news never sold papers .
But history has shown that good times can come again :yesyes:

You are very proactive in managing your anxiety .that is so good x
In the future renting a home is maybe going to be the way life is .they do this in Europe a lot .
You have course starting in January .........maybe do some extra reading ?
Or find another part time more hobby based course to run along side this one
I can tell from your posts how determined and intelligent you are .......so just you keep ploughing through those dark days ......

and reward yourself for doing it Littlehelper .

The world now is scary place for all of us . Best to just focus on today I think and ignore stuff we have no control over .
but we can control how we react in our own lives .......and I have no doubt that you will find great peace and content. Because you will make that happen by being proactive and trying your best .
hope this has not come across as condescending .....I struggle with right words sometimes .

snow :hugs:

05-12-11, 18:32
Hello Hun :)
I can only reiterate what wise Snowy has said above. You are very young, and although you don't realise or accept it, you do actually have a fabulous future ahead of you. You are not carrying a load of history with you or debt or family problems - you are in control and can map out within the constraints of time and money, exactly what you are going to achieve. Your course starts in January - fab! (Was it dog grooming? the little grey cells can't quite remember from previous posts - may have even been beauty therapy:blush: Anyways, could you start approaching people in the business and see if you could help out either on an intern basis or just keep them company until you start your course? Could keep you occupied and may lead to some good networking skills:hugs:

You have come so very very far in such a short time - I remember your desperate note when your mum was leaving you alone but look how you've coped - you really are a winner and will continue to be. Treat yourself kindly, let yourself still have bad moments and don't beat yourself up. We are ALL worried about the future, whatever age we are ( I dread being stuffed into a hospital or home with all the nasty stories abounding about treatment). Have fun, live life to the full and enjoy being young - it goes so quickly. Take care sweetie, Debs x:hugs:

05-12-11, 18:35
you could try to do some volunteer work until your course starts in January, I've done some in the past and it gets you out the house and makes you feel better.

05-12-11, 19:33
thanks guys =) i love that some of you are following my posts lol, hope i can inspire you somehow along the way xxx

05-12-11, 22:43
Maybe you are someone who does better when keeping busy. Could it be that you have too much time on your hands to think and analyse stuff?
If so then as harvestmouse says you could do some voluntary work or just do something to help focus your mind, maybe go to the gym, go jogging, do Zumba, that would be fun :)

06-12-11, 01:59
When I was your age I had a lot of the same worries. It's completely normal, I believe. You'll be alright. Keep strong.