View Full Version : Melanoma Fear rearing it's ugly head :-(

05-12-11, 14:46
Hi everyone

I've not been on this site for a while. It seems as though December comes and my HA reappears with a vengeance!

I posted in the summer about a mole I've got on my tummy. It's slightly smaller than the end of a pencil (about 4/5mm). It's slightly unusual looking as it's got a white bit in it and a darker brown bit too. I've had it checked out in the past and told it's fine. The last time it was checked was about a year ago. Whenever I start to obsess about it and keep Checking it, I start to get weird sentations in it, like a stabbing/dragging sensation.

Anyway, it definately hasn't changed since early August. If it was Melanoma, would I see changes in it in 4 months?

I know I should just go back to my dr and get it checked again but I'm not sure what's worse, the anxiety of worrying about it or the anxiety of seeing the dr.:weep:

Please help!

Many thanks xxxxxxxxxx

05-12-11, 21:20
i am having the same problem too about the docs, i have issues that are genuine but i have been to the GPs 20 times this year and worry that going again will just lead to another blow off! "a mole or spot that changes appearance suddenly" are the ones to watch, like one that hurts more or grows more quickly, go to the docs and ask "what do you think this is? a mole? it hurts ALLOT" that makes the trip worth while! and get the docs attention?