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View Full Version : Chest pain all day anxiety? But I am not anxious

05-12-11, 17:45
I posted earlier about my chest pain. It come on suddenly and at the time I was not anxious was just in the shower washing my hair. This was 8ish this morning and all this time later it is still here.

I have it at rest tho gets worse when I breathe in, move or get stressed. Earlier on I had a cold sweat and my face began to tingle I was so scared and nearly called for help.

The pain is on my left side it aches and stretches from just under my breast to ontop and my shoulder.

I have just come back from my doctor and he did my pulse and listened to my chest I am 25 and he said it is unlikely to be serious more likely stress or anxiety and possibly muscle pain tho he don't think it is as it didn't hurt when he pushed it. I am trying to relax but scared as what it is how can it be anxiety I wasn't anxious when it started I was relaxed having a shower

Has anyone else had this?

Does it sound serious?

05-12-11, 20:12
i ALWAYS get this, and no its not serious at all! its just incredibly uncomfortable and worrying and i feel for you:hugs: its a very common anxiety symptom, and i can see why ur frightened! because the muscle spasm are occuring in ur rib cage, close to ur heart no? its frightening but harmless...

and ye, taking a shower isnt nice anymore, i had a bit of a panic attack in it one time, but the main thing is to not avoid using the shower/ not avoid the places off previous panic, else ur just letting anxiety dictate ur life x

05-12-11, 20:41
It's just so weird because I was happily washing my hair at the time and the ouch it started and got worse as the day went on. When I sit still it is a little better then when I move or breathe in deeply it really hurts and I googled and it said that pain when breathing is a symptom of a heart attack, I was hoping it would be a symptom of a muscle pain :( just want it to go away had it for over 12 hours now

07-12-11, 01:01
meee been going on, crazy how common it is, it is just i am no super stressed right now,

07-12-11, 03:54
ok--- get off google it is not ur friend!!! haha they're awful i always get the sensation of a belt being tightened around my chest, but u have to step back from the situation, remind urself its just an anxiety symptom , challenge ur negative thoughts, actively challenge them! :hugs:

07-12-11, 13:03
I have been month long googling. I went to the Dr told me I have a cold and gave me antibiotics ummm no. Feel better and I am going to try to ignore it the best I can today!

08-12-11, 01:43
I think maybe you strained a mucle while washing your hair, and the way you said it hurts when you move or breath in.
Just it seems like what happens to me of I over use certain mucles.
Try Heat as it sooths most mucle pain :)