View Full Version : A little respite in my day

05-12-11, 17:52
I suffer with GAD which has been really bad this weekend. Made worse by googling was a complete wreck yesterday. I have not used meds as I would like to try and do it naturally if I can. So after a bad weekend I forced myself to get out of bed this morning and go to a zumba class it was a great respite from my thoughts as I was concentrating so hard on the moves. The anxiety has returned this afternoon, but I am going to try looking after myself a bit better and try different things hopefully it will help distract my mind from my anxious thoughts. Does anyone have any recommendations for distractions :huh:
Anxious but hopeful

06-12-11, 18:33
Have been at work today and found it a welcome distraction from my thoughts. I realise I am much worse when I am at home. I think having some kind of routine is helpful, otherwise it is too easy to go on google, trying to make myself better but actually ending up feeling much worse. I am definitely feeling less anxious this evening. I just hope nothing happens to trigger it.

06-12-11, 18:44
I think thats the case for a lot of people with anxiety and depression........ if you can try and keep busy doing something, you really do feel a lot better..... sometimes its a bit tricky motivating yourself to do something though lol!

06-12-11, 18:49
I agree Geoff it is far too easy to switch on the computer or sit and think about things, rather than get out and do something. I am going to try and focus my attention elsewhere as I seem to have proven to myself it works. (although old habits die hard).