View Full Version : Why do...

02-06-06, 15:23
Hi, guys! And a great good morning to all! Good news...made it through a 1 hour "jazzercise" exercise class 2x this week. A wonderful neighbor who is the crossing guard at my child's school told me about it, and I finally said, "What the heck...take a risk...talk to people, and try it...if you fall on your face, oh well!" It was a hoot. The lady who taught it was a former chorus dancer, and was in her early 60's, and did she boogie around up there! I thought, "Hey Taf, get with it! If this gal can, you can too!"
Now, to my "Why do" thought for the day.....Why do some find it so hard to approach things from an anxiety/panic standpoint...Let me explain....Last week, my brother in law came over, and out of the blue told us that his wife is now on NINE different meds for some headaches...zoloft in a.m., and that jazzed her out of sleeping at night, so then Elavil in p.m. to sedate, and a list of anti anxiety meds, and now narcotic based pain meds (gulp) mixed in, and the latest creepy thing...a prednisone round (??) for he thinks the pain???? Mixed with a hit parade of experimental cocktails which, including one mainly used for epilepsy, are being "tested" for use in headaches. Yikes. Massive tests at neurologists have revealed no physical cause for pain, and this all started when she took on a supervisory position at a local retail outlet. She fears large groups of people (some social anxiety components?) and has had issues with changing her familiar surroundings (i.e., fear of leaving on holidays).
I said, "Have you approached this from an internal point of view...i.e., perhaps anxiety/panic related syndromes are aggravating the situation and could be helped by CBT and other supportive measures such as group therapy with other anxiety suffers, etc?"
WEll....LET me tell you was that met by a big BLAH!!!! "This is all physical, there is no anxiety....blah blah blah blah" I said, "She is being treated for symptoms which are not going away..Now the headaches are becoming so debilating, that she just wants to avoid all social contact (the meds are not properly addressing the anxiety, I think, and need to be reevaluated from that standpoint...ameliorating the anxiety first, the pain is a symptom of that, and an avoidance mechanism from painful anxiety...my 2 cents) The meds are making her worse. She needs supportive therapies, any WHY is society so afraid to say someone has the big A word...anxiety????? That is a first step of taking hold of your own treatment to recognize a beast, and work with the doctors, not against them catatonically medicated to the point where your brain is so fuzzy that you can't make any decisions![:O]
Well, that's my soap box for the day.
Hooray for this site and the people who are not afraid to have a hand in their treatment which leads to recovery!
As we think, we feel.
Love to all, Taf

02-06-06, 16:07
Fabulous post!

Jazzersise sounds grand!
Did body Jazz once, but am so uncordinated that ended up just spinning in circles...lol

Hay x

02-06-06, 16:11
Thanks, H! I looked a ridiculous sight, but laughed and marched my way through. Thanks again! T[8D]

02-06-06, 23:46
Yup, I'm sure meds do help, but I'm strongly against using them unless you have to. We all want a magic pill to make it go away but usually we just make it harder for ourselves that way.

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

03-06-06, 11:39
I agree Mr Monkey.

I don't like to take someones hopes away, but in most cases medication can cause more problems that it cures. The only time I would recommend it is when it takes the edge of it so people get the motivation to move forward.

Cure does not come in the form of a tablet, it is all about knowledge and here is the place to receive it.



03-06-06, 13:43
i agree totally with regards to meds.

They are great for knocking the edge off anxiety and give you some support in order to work through other therapies. But there is no magic pill - it has to come from inside us.

the jazzercise sounded FUN FUN FUN - well done


........life is for living not just for surviving

03-06-06, 17:55

Very concerned regarding your post. Are the headaches "migraines"? Is she being treated by more than one doctor and getting meds by more than one physician? She could easily become addicted to some of what you describe. She could also be having what you call rebound headaches from some of these medicines. I know this because I was once like her. I went from neurologist to neurologist for my migraines which were mainly caused from food allergies, the weather, hormones and stress. I did not, however, have issues regarding holidays and social events. Prednisone is a bad bad drug and I have never heard of that as a treatment for headaches. It is sad that your brother-in-law has such a closed mine. Did you ever talk to her? Most people with that kind of pain will try anything to get rid of it. By that I mean she might herself try the alternative treatments and not have such a closed mind. Good Luck.