View Full Version : Feeling detatched

06-12-11, 11:59
Hello, I'm new to no more panic..
Ive been having panic attacks and bad anxiety for 4/5months and
I'm having therapy for it an I'm getting much better with
My panic but my anxietys always there.. I'm always worrying
About something and just recently I've had thoughts and worrying of going crazy
Because I've been feeling detatched.. I'm worried something bad will happen and that im going crazy.. Is this just my anxiety? Is it normal to get these feelings when having therapy??

06-12-11, 12:24
Yes, your feelings are totally normal for anxiety. If you look at the symptoms down the left hand side of this page, on the menu, you will see something written about 'depersonalisation' and non-reality feelings. You really are NOT going crazy and you WON'T. Many people here have felt what you are now feeling in the past, or are currently going through similar feelings; if you do a forum search on 'depersonalisation' (or feeling detached/unreal/worried I'm going crazy) you will find lots of threads about similar feelings to yours. 'Having therapy' can be a very painful process, and can make symptoms feel stronger for a while as you are working through such immense emotional issues.

Take Care

06-12-11, 12:37
Thankyou so much for your reply, I feel a lot better about it, I'm just worried its dangerOus and that I will completely lose my mind :( I just thought I was getting better because iv started to do normal things again, it's just odd I feel like this now when I thought I was getting better :(

07-12-11, 07:16
No its not dangerous, it will pass. It is probably because you are pushing your boundaries at the moment and taking strides forward, that can and will produce some anxiety. Just reassure yourself that it is nothing more than 'mind tricks'...one day you will realise it has gone !

07-12-11, 14:24
this is perfectly normal....however scary it may feel.

07-12-11, 16:03
It's normal... at the peak of my anxiety (3 years ago) I was in a constant 'dream' state, not in touch with reality..it was so scary and I thought it would never go, but it did. I could not leave the house, so scared I was that something would happen to me..... but it does get better with time..... I now live overseas and hold down two jobs and am happy with life, despite my anxiety.... I am open with people about it, especially my employers, so that understand if I do have a relapse and need a little time off work. :)

07-12-11, 18:25
im going through that at the mo and yes its soooooo scarey