View Full Version : is my back going to get worse?

06-12-11, 18:08
Ok so I hurt my back badly back in 2008 in a car accident, bad whiplash etc, I was lucky to survive it really so I don't like to complain too much however, poor posture and long periods of standing in work have only made it a million times worse. I get a trapped nerve as well, causing tingeling, numbness and possibly pins and needles in my foot? Only just started wondering if the 2 are related.
I've had physio before and it did help but then I was discharged as there was nothing more she could do, typical nhs I say but you know.
I've been meaning to get accupuncture just never got round to it. I've also had a doctors note telling my employer not to make me stand for prolonged periods of time, not that they listened, apparently standing for 30 mins then sitting down for 5 can stop the pain, hmm :lac:

Anyway I'm going to the docs again tomorrow for another letter saying not to stand in a single position at all now but it's bad even now when I'm just at home. I've had time off in the past, not for bed rest or anything, but just so I don't make it worse and that really helped.
Problem is I've been so close to being sacked for sickness and to be honest I've got away with murder and been told I need to try and impress them and not be off for the next few months (until July at least) or I'd be put forward for another discaplinary and final written warning.

I don't know what to do, I hate being in pain, I'm 22 in a couple of months and I don't want to be in the same situation going on 52 or whatever.
Pain killers don't work, I've taken that many they have no effect on my back, neither does hot or cold patches, creams potions or lotions :weep:

Is my back going to get worse? Or more to what I'm worrying about am I going to cause permanent damage the more it continues to hurt and the less I do about the pain? :shrug:

06-12-11, 18:26
Hello could you try a chiroprachter.My friend had similar problems and it worked wonders for him. I know it is not cheap but it would be worth it if it helps and gets you back on track at work.
Hope all goes well :)

06-12-11, 18:33
I've wanted to see one for ages but I just don't have the funds. I know it would help but I'm in too much debt and I have bills coming out of my ears.

06-12-11, 18:37
Our local college provide therapeutic massages by people who are training (fully supervised). They only charge a fiver and are always looking for clients, maybe it is worth checking if there is anything like this in your area. May be worth a try even just being able to relax might help.

07-12-11, 19:53
After all that I got signed off for 2 weeks, prescribed co-codamol (even though it makes me sick, a small dose of that and paracetamol etc is better than tramadol I fear), reffered back to physio and I have to go for blood tests on Friday to check for inflammation. Doc said I was far too young to be in such pain. Hopefully some good will come out of this.

07-12-11, 20:44
Sounds like a good start with the treament again. If your standing in the same place on a hard floor then even if you hadnt had a previous injury your back would still get sore. There are special paddecd mats which can make it more comfortable to stand on for long periods. I know in Australia work places are having to provide them to prevent injury to employees.