View Full Version : one more concrete insight

02-06-06, 16:09
Ok, my last blab for the day, promise LOL LOL:D
Interesting experience couple days ago. Scheduled a one hour massage therapy session for myself, and en route, had a nasty resurgence of panic swallowing. I forced myself through it, driving focused, and refusing to give in...reminding myself that this was a hysteria symptom, NOT real mechanical swallowing situation, and that I would be through it soon, and I was NOT going to deprive myself a wonderful massage therapy session!
(My brain was trying to fight back, I think...the old two steps forward one step backwards effect, as I have started jazzercise, going to shops, etc. without incident, and I was not going to be knocked backwards now! but the "fight or flight" ingrained brain thought it had another plan...LOL)
Well, I got to massage, and the whole panic attack thing subsided. At the end of massage, she said "Your neck muscles are like rock!"
It dawned on me and became crystal clear what I am doing to MYSELF in these swallowing attacks, and new revalations as to how to reverse this trend emerged....I am locking my neck up like a rock as I panic....then I can't swallow...then I fear losing control....then...if I give in...I am a bowl of jelley drooling about in panicLOL
It takes these concrete lessons to break the abstract cycle of panic.
Love to all, and, hey, thanks for allowing me to write and blab...it helps me in my treatment phase of getting over this whole anxiety thing!
Love and peace,