View Full Version : Last nights eastenders scared me alittle

06-12-11, 19:28
Tanyas story line about Cancer.
When tanya was walking down the stairs and had to sit down..
I often walk down the stairs or, sat watching tv, in the supermarket, in bed or whereever suddenly feel faint,light headed, weak, sick. It happens so randomly and It just scared me when she started saying this happens to her.

I have been to the docs so many times, had a blood test last year that just resulted in slightly high blood platelets.
Yet I still think theres something wrong. I know people on here with health anxiety think of the big C but I cant get the thought out of my mind especially when I start to feel so weak and faint...

I should be enjoying Christmas! :(

06-12-11, 19:37
I woundt worry about it tv shows like that can be evil. I'm the same with home and away and watching people go through chemo it just scares me more getting cancer and having to go throught that.

Try not to think about that episode as it will just make you worse. I'm sure you are fine esp if you have been to your gp about it.

06-12-11, 19:41

To be honest, it sounds more like your symptoms are anxiety connected, rather than anything serious. Those kind of symptoms are not obvious for anything like cancer. I have experienced the same for many years.

In Eastenders, Tanya has now started treatment for her condition, so the symptoms are trying to indicate that rather than the actual illness I would guess. Extreme fatigue can be an indicator of something more serious, not just weakness and feeling faint.

Try not to dwell on how you are feeling physically, as it just increases your anxiety and all of those physical side effects.

Take care.
