View Full Version : would you be reasured

06-12-11, 19:55
hi as some of you will know ive been having blood in my urine for the last year on occasions its been visible but the rest of the time only on dipstick i have been suffering with bladder discomfort for a while now and have been told i may have irritable bladder any way ive had all tests going and they have all come back clear but i still have from only occasionally bit of blood on tissue after a wee anyway my dr wrote to my consultant to ask if we should just ignore the occasional blood on tissue and put it down to something i may suffer from from time to time anyway my dr rang me today and told me the consultant says i can do one of two things i can have yet another cystoscopy to take a closer look of my urethra or i could just leave it to see what happens as he doesnt antisipate finding anything i dont no if they were the consultants words or my dr but he did say i dont need to have it done its my choice as he doesnt think its anything to worry about neither does my dr and my dr says she wouldnt have another cystoscopy she would wait and see and says waiting and seeing causes no danger to me at all because the chances of it being anything to worry about is zero to none she also says if the consultant thought it was anything to worry about at all he would have said i have to have a cystoscopy and not give me a choice
jayne x

07-12-11, 10:52
anyone please even though i know the answer myself and i should be reasured i always like to hear it from you all because you have helped me so much in the past
jayne x

07-12-11, 11:04
We have spoken in the past as I always have blood in urine on test and have done so for at least 30 years that I know of!

If there was anything to find they would have found it during the tests - I would imagine your Dr told your consultant that you have health anxiety and are not happy that you still have symptoms despite the tests already done and the consultant has said well we could do another cystosopy if you think it will stop her worrying but she does not need one.

My Dr told me in August that the only reason he was sending me for a cystoscopy was that I had never ever had one and he wanted to completely rule out my having any polyps in my bladder as once past the age 60 then their is a risk they can turn cancerous but he said they would see the tiniest tiniest polyp on camera in fact they see even the slightest discoloration so nothing can be missed and they also look at your urethra as they take the camera out.

Hope this info helps.

07-12-11, 13:37
i was hoping you would answer debbie when i had my cystoscopy he only had the camera up there about a minute or two and ive heard other people say theres took longer im just concerned he didnt have a good enough look
jayne x

08-12-11, 11:01
i know these are profesional people who do these procedures so why do people with health anxiety doubt there capability ive now read that this precedure does just take a few minutes thanks anyway well thanks debbie x