View Full Version : panic?

06-12-11, 21:35
I have been posting about stomach/bowel issues and a pain in my hip/groin/lower back and i was told on friday i have a cyst growing on my left ovary and possible endometriosis. Now i am not seeing my gp until thursday about the results of the scan. Tonight i keep going off balance and i felt like i couldn't breath and my right arm felt weak and a bit numb and i felt on the brink of fainting. My partner thinks this was some sort of panic attack but i am wondering if the cyst and endometriosis could be causing these symptoms. I just don't know anymore whats going on with my body, i am sick of it all.

06-12-11, 21:47
If you are bleeding i.e. having a period then endometriosis can cause intense pain. If you are losing a lot of blood then lying down with a hot water bottle and paracetamol for the pain. When you have a period the endometriosis tries to bleed too and this can cause cysts which try to bleed but have no-where to go to. There are many treatment options available for endo some involving drugs to shrink the cysts and sometimes surgery too depending how bad/extensive the endo is. Try to relax as anxiety is only making the other symptoms worse. EJ.

07-12-11, 08:11
I am in a little pain all the time but that's not my main worry its my bowels/stomach and how i feel. I even had a dream last night about being ill and woke in the middle of the night feeling like i couldn't breath right and my head was all funny/dizzy.I have got up this morning and i still feel like i can't breath right and the side of my head feels numb and odd.

07-12-11, 08:20
Usually if you didnt have those symptoms before you were told you had a cyst then no it is most prob anxiety.

I am going to go and get tested for endometriosis aswell.

07-12-11, 08:29
Yes i did have all these symptoms before i was told i had the cyst and endometriosis. I am confused now what is anxiety and what is with these because i have read they can mess with your hormones etc. I am sick of it all, i never have a day when i feel ok, 1 day severe diarrhea the next dizzy and numb head the next abdominal pains. I just want to be ok and enjoy xmas with my family.
Pinkroxy what symptoms have you got? Where you getting tested docs or hospital?

07-12-11, 08:57
I've got Endo, I've had it for 20 years, it's very painful and debilitating. I doubt your symptoms of being off balance etc are connected and they do sound like anxiety to me. i really hope you get some good treatment for your endometriosis. xx

07-12-11, 10:37
Ive got a referral to the hospital to see a gyncologist. I have all the painful IBS symptoms with bloating and sharp pain and extreme period pain during my cycle and I get a dull period pain during the month all through my pelvic area, lower back and through my front thighs.

I do suffer mild vertigo though and do get dizziness have not a clue whether its due to endo or not as I never thought about it though.

---------- Post added at 23:37 ---------- Previous post was at 23:36 ----------

oh yeah I have irritable bladder symptoms too pain and urgency and sometimes frequency.

07-12-11, 11:25
I see my gp tomorrow about my results from my scan. Have you had a scan pinkroxy? My gp said i had ibs but i don't know whether its due to the endo and cyst now i know i have these because it says on alot of endo sites that people are often told they have ibs when in fact it has been endo. Do you know if the endo is treated that the ibs symptoms go? Yes i keep going light headed as well but don't know if its linked either.

07-12-11, 19:31
Hi zippy,

I have been reading through your posts today as I came on here to try and find some reassurance my symptoms are anxiety related, searched nausea and came across your posts!
I am sorry you're feeling so bad, I have the same symptoms you have described in all your posts but the pains I have are vague and they come and go alot... But I have constant nausea, it is relieved a bit by eating but then comes back, I have been so exhausted over the last few months and been feeling so ill and so fed up with how I feel. I am certain this is not anxiety related as I have been anxious for so many years now and I know the feelings all too well so I know when i am ill or not. I am always so light headed and dizzy and get exhausted by the slightest thing! All I want is to do the every day things but I cant because I am so ill. I truly am so fed up with it!!!

I had blood done today and will probably get the results next week, I went to the docs with my nausea and diarrhea on Friday and she diagnosed gastroenteritis but also told me I should have blood tests because of my extreme tiredness and dizziness etc....
It cant be gastroenteritis as it has been going on too long now, she didnt even examine me, I am so terrified.

I wanted to ask zippy if you had a blood test for ovarian cancer as that is what you have said you are frightened of!?

Also did you have a ESR blood test?

I am so terrified waiting waiting to find out whats wrong I just cant stop crying and feel so bad I just dont know what to do now :weep:

Also my periods have been off, I came on today 9 days late and so heavy and my boobs are so so painful. I'm confused :weep:

Hope it goes as well as it can tomorrow :hugs::hugs::hugs: