View Full Version : Do sertraline take a while to kick in?

06-12-11, 23:04
Hey guys, on my fourth day of sertraline now and I am finding myself really anxious. Usually I can deal with the surge of panic but now I am on these tablets I feel like it's not me that controls them anymore..
I am going to stick them out because I have read that the medication takes a few weeks to kick in but I am struggling so far..
I stayed off uni on Monday because I couldn't face getting the bus and I phoned in sick to work today because I have been really nervous all night and had no sleep.. I'm not feeling up to going to uni tomorrow either but I'm scared I'll get stuck in a rut if I stay at home any longer..

Could really do with some advice please?

06-12-11, 23:10
I was taking them for a year and they worked well for me. Give it time, you'll soon notice a change :)

06-12-11, 23:11
Thanks Zavo, think my mind's just testing me... but I'm going to stick them out :)

06-12-11, 23:24
While you wait for them to kick in, which they will, go about your daily business and mix with as many people/ friends as possible. Hanging around at home thinking too much is the worst thing you can do.

07-12-11, 00:28
all meds take a while to kick in but you will start feeling some difference soon take care

07-12-11, 00:42
They made me feel like a zombie. Not happy or sad... just blah. Back on them from docs orders and feeling no difference. But different drugs suit different people they may work wonders for you.