View Full Version : Please help - is this also health anxiety?

06-12-11, 23:39
I am still anxious about my health and always fear that I have some underlying disease. I don't know if this is normal but I sometimes think I actually bring on my symptoms even if I may not actually feel anxious. As an example, last night I was thinking about dizzy spells and today I when I got up from bed I started feeling dizzy soon after. Infact even as I write this I am still feeling dizzy as I am so worried now.

Other times I might feel a slight twinge of pain in various areas of my body eg neck, head and then I get so concerned I focus on that spot that I think I can actually feel that pain. My mind I think then plays on me and I can actually feel the pain again.

Sometimes out of no-where I get breathless - even when I don't feel particularly anxious so then I start freaking out and I struggle to catch my breath.

Has anyone else experienced the same? Can I actually bring on these symptoms just by thinking of them? I am so over this and just want some normality back in my life.

any advice would be appreciated.

06-12-11, 23:46
I'd say yes to your question. I have done the same thing. I will focus on something and then sure enough, I'll feel a pain or something in that area. Then when I don't think about it for a day, it's magically gone. It could be that I just slept funny and my neck feels stiff. But if I obsess about it, the pain becomes much more intense to me.

06-12-11, 23:50
This always happens to me the more i think about them the more they are there...its the same if i read something, i might start off with one symptom by the time ive read a list of symptoms i will begin believing i have them all!!
Im going through a rough patch at the moment hence why im awake my HA keeps me up all night!!
Hope this helps a little!

06-12-11, 23:58
Thank you both for replying back to me. I feel abit better knowing that others are going through the same thing. I am suffering so badly now. At this very moment I am so dizzy and my breathlessness is out of control. I have to keep yawning to catch my breath.

So can these symptoms happen even if you aren't feeling overly anxious? Is that another factor?

thank you xx