View Full Version : Doc appt tomorrow, beyond terrified!

07-12-11, 04:57
Hey guys,

I have a doc appt tomorrow and I'm absolutely terrified. Back in JULY, I had taken a blood test and it stated that my liver enzymes were elevated. I wasn't on any meds at all and I rarely(I mean rarely) drink alcohol. During the time of my blood test, I had a beer about two months ago.

Anyways, I took an ultrasound about 6 weeks ago and my doc told me the results would be ready in two weeks. It was meant to only be an abdominal scan but they ended up scanning my heart, kidneys, and spleen as well.

The point is that i'M TRYING TO REASSURE myself that if anything was wrong that they would have called me a month ago. I'M GOING for peace of mind but at the same time, i don't want to know.

I just need a bit of reassurance i GUESS.

Also, when I took my bloods, the doc said everything was normal except the enzymes. But the thing that has me petrified is that I GOOGLED and I see that ADRENAL ISSUES can cause liver enzymes to be elevated and i HONESTLY just want to cry because I DREAD Adrenal fatigue/cancer :weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

07-12-11, 05:03
Aw, I really feel for you for sure. I think if they found anything, they would have let you know right away. At least that has always been my experience. My last blood work wasn't perfect either. Some protein level was on the low end of normal. My Dr said it was because I was eating a restricted diet, that is what caused it. Of course I Googled it and there were all kinds of horrible things it could have been. That was almost 6 months ago and I'm still a very healthy person. So if it had been anything horrible, I'm sure it would have gotten worse by now. Hang in there!

07-12-11, 14:08
Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and hope your appointment goes well today.

miss polly
07-12-11, 14:23
I know how you feel having recently been through an ultrasound. The whole Doctor/hospital/test thing is horrific for someone with HA and my heart goes out to you. It's easy as an outsider to say everything will be fine, but it's hard for the person going through it to believe that. I really think if there had been any issues you definitely would have been contacted by now. I'm positive everything is fine!

07-12-11, 14:31
Hello Mark.

Sorry to hear you're feeling like this but I can pretty much guarantee that you'll be making it wayyy worse in your head than it actually is. In fact I'd bet my house on it. I bet that you go to see the doc and they'll tell you that everything's alright. As you said quite rightly, if there was anything to worry about in your results they'd have been all over it like a tramp on a sausage. I'm sure there's nothing to worry about :okay:

07-12-11, 17:09
I just want to thank you all for your responses and support, it truly means a lot to me.:hugs:

But the truth is, I just couldn't do it today. I couldn't sleep last night at all just thinking about it and I even had a nightmare about it. I called in to postpone the appt until next week.

I'm really sorry guys, I'm just so disappointed in myself. :mad:

07-12-11, 21:02
Try not to be hard on yourself. You go when you are ready to go. We are all here for you and it's going to be just fine. :hugs:

miss polly
07-12-11, 21:22
Don't be disappointed ~ it took me a couple of goes before I plucked up the courage to go to the doctors about something I had been making myself sick with worry about for months. The fact you haven't heard anything means there's nothing to worry about, but for your own peace of mind it would be wonderful if you could eventually go. Is it possible that you could arrange a telephone appointment with your doctor rather than going in to the surgery?

08-12-11, 18:00
Thanks guys :hugs:

I will keep you updated next week. I hope I build up the courage to go and see my doc. Unfortunately, the office is very busy so I have to go and see her.