View Full Version : can someone help me with dizziness please

07-12-11, 12:38
Hi everyone

im starting to get into a state of panic.........

when i look down im getting this slight dizzness that feels like when im looking at something for more than a second everything around is slightly moving like im on a very very very slow roundabout, it dont feel like im moving, just everything else, its also there if i look straight at my tv (which is on the wall) and even if im not moving my head, just moving my eyes up to the roof is doing the same thing
ive made a pot of soup today and even going through to the kitchen to stir it and just look round the kitchen is making it worse
i know its a stupid thing to panic over but im on the edge of crying now coz of it.
can anyone help me out please.


07-12-11, 13:08
Poor you. Is this a new symptom for you or something that you have had alot in the past??
I find that having a plan of action helps me to calm down. Obviously the symptoms are horrible, I get sudden attacks of vertigo due to a neck problem and alot of feeling slightly dizzy all the time. Just having tense neck muscles can cause dizziness as your neck helps control balance.
If it is completely new to you then it could be a passing virus in the ears and will pass but if it lasts for a few days then I would make appt with your Dr.
If it is something that you have had on and off for years and you know its anxiety based then tell yourself that your still alive and kicking and it will pass in time if you calm down.
Don't keep testing yourself to see if you are dizzy:lac: this is something that everyone with ha will do to see if they are still as bad! Keep still as much as possible. Dr can give you meds to reduce dizziness so tell yourself that if you are still very dizzy and unable to leave the house tomorrow then either speak to or see a Dr.

07-12-11, 18:51

I get a similar thing in that sometimes when i stand still it can feel as if the room around me is sort of swallowing me up?! it feels a bit 'trippy' i guess. its as if i'm being swallowed by quick sand or something -very hard to explain!! Like you it only lasts a few seconds and i think i can actually bring it on by just thinking about it so it must be this darn anxiety again!