View Full Version : Mid panic attacks after tooth removal

07-12-11, 12:56
I had an abscessed tooth that was removed about 10 days ago. I've started having mild panic attacks that it's getting infected or worse. It looks to be healing fine (although the site is a bit off-white / yellow I've read online that dentist say the scabs can appear anything between white / yellow and it's not a problem if there isn't pus) and there is no blood or pus or foul taste in mouth.

Anyone else have these post-dental work fears? I'm trying to find pictures of the healing stages of a tooth extraction but there don't seem to be many good ones.

I get the usual symptoms....slightly lightheaded, mild fear, tight throat and restlessness.

07-12-11, 15:31
hi i unfort have had a lot of dental work done this year including extractions, when mine was healing it was whitish yellowy colour sounds like yours is healing fine, hope your panic goes soon im sure it will as soon as the area is healed properly
amanda xx

07-12-11, 16:30
Thanks Amanda, it looks like it's doing well. I think the panic is coming from the fact that I fly to America for two weeks on Friday morning and I'm worried about it going wrong there.

I've noticed a lot of the yellowy / white covering is starting to go red now (as in blood is coming to the surface on proper flesh. I suppose after 10 days the scab is starting to shed?

07-12-11, 20:13
Hi, I had a tooth extracted at the back after an absess that left the side of my face and I am no way over exagerating the size of a grapefruit, and that came on in a day lol. It was particulary hard as I was it was 5 days before my 18th birthday and I prayed it would go down after antibiotics and it did. When I had mine removed I had to have it drilled out as he couldnt pull it out as the infection fused the tooth to my gum. Then I had to have stiches which left a trail of cotton esk material in my mouth that felt like a spider in there. When mine was healing it was horrible, horrible taste horrible liquid just minging basically, and apparently that was a good healing process lol. I am positive yours is fine and will heal quickly. Don't worry if its still a bit tender and a bit acky tasting though xx

08-12-11, 09:44
good luck in america and im sure the area will be well healed and fine by the time u get back