View Full Version : Chest pains

07-12-11, 16:52
So since Monday I have an on/off chest ache pain on my left side above my breast and towards my shoulder. It was bad Monday and constant but has been on/off since then. The doctor did my pulse and listened to my chest and said it was fine and put it down to stress/anxiety. Could that really cause this?

It seems to get worse when I think about it or if I get stressed about something but should I be worried?

07-12-11, 17:20
Don't worry. I get these pains all the time!! I went to the doctor and he said the same thing. I ended up with really bad pain at work and ended up being taken to A&E by a concerned friend. They did an ECG and concluded that I had a healthy heart and that the symptoms were stress & anxiety. Moral of the story is believe your doctor, worrying will only make it worse. When it happens try to do something to take your mind off it and tell yourself that you are ok. It's easier said than done I know but stick with it, you'll be fine. Take Care

07-12-11, 17:57
yes stress and anxiety causes chest pains - sometimes very bad ones

You need to relax,forget about it and it will calm down as whilst you are tense you are making it worse.

07-12-11, 18:08
Hi I get this with my anxiety to the point it feels like i can't take a deep breath :ohmy: its a classic anxiety symptom thats why many people end up in a&e or call an ambulance cause they think their having a heart attack, I had it on monday afternoon for a few hours but i knew what it was so i distracted myself from thinking about it by making myself busy xx