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View Full Version : Scared of going dizzy or fainting

07-12-11, 17:17
Hi everybody well after been unemployed for 3 years my son has started full time scholl and i have got myself a job just weekends and during school hours to take the heat of my fella abit as he works all hours god sends.i have come so far i know when im having a panic attack now and distract myself with singing songs or thinking about how stuff works sounds weired but it works for me.im not agrophbic anymore still dread going out but not as much as before.i have anxiety all the time even when i think im fine i still feel sh**t but force myself out.anyway after all that lol.im happy to be starting work but if got this huge fear of going dizzy or passing out while im training next week or going dizzy while im driving and its making me feel sick and im having pannic attacks again.its not a job where i can say let me have ten mins to calm down its caring.all the what ifs thoughts are going again.i keep telling myuself u will be fine and i know i will but the fear of going back to how bad i was a year ago is killing me.just neede to have a rant lol.im sure after i have bin ok for a few days there it will all go but gad anxiety is a bitch and has messed my life up so much that now im going to ignore it the best i can

07-12-11, 18:05
I have had real issues with panicking about fainting or passing out! I now think 'so what' if I pass out, brilliant! I won't be panicking, ill be on the floor asleep. I now NEVER get dizzy because I constantly challenge it. Reverse you thoughts and stick two fingers up at it, it works for me.

Besides . . . You won't EVER pass out, I bet you never have :winks:

Good luck in your new job!

07-12-11, 21:17
Kay have you ever fainted when you feel dizzy?

08-12-11, 00:10
This is a pretty common fear for us with anxiety. It's weird because I've never fainted or passed out before, but I always get the feeling it's going to happen. One thing they told me in the ER during one of my "ohmygod I'm dying panic attacks" is that usually when we are really anxious our blood pressure rises which is a natural defense our body creates so we dont pass out...so our body can stay alert to fight or flee from danger. Its when our blood pressure gets really low or we don't eat that we are in danger of passing out. So guess what? Ever since I heard that, my blood pressure has been a lot lower then usual...I'm telling you we never get a break!! :)