View Full Version : anyone share my fear?

02-06-06, 20:42
anyone share my fear of being sick, Emetophobia?

02-06-06, 21:31
Welcome aboard.

You are not alone, read these.....
Emetophobia/Phobia of sickness

EXPOSURE THERAPY... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2712)

To Emetophobia sufferers (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2253)

1st day CBT exposure for emetaphobia = scary (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4930)

A visit to the Doctors (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5503)

CBT for emetophobia my experiences... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5998)

Emetaphobia 101 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7053)


04-06-06, 19:54
Hello and Welcome -

I'm new here too. I looked at a lot of sites on PTSD, which is my primary problem (little understatement there) decided on this other site first and got thoroughly insulted. Not a real good thing to happen to someone with PTSD. With no courage left but knowing I need help, having a help/support forum help me a lot before with another problem I decided to try it here. I've been very impressed with the knowledgable and kind people here. With at least my PTSD of course it makes me a little suspicious. Groan.

I haven't experienced the fear or phobia you have but I certainly have my own that at times, a lot of the time, over takes my thoughts and actions. For me there hasn't been a quick answer but different treatment modalities have been tried and slowly I'm having success. For me too I found it hard to even admit some of the avoidance things I do/did were phobic based because they occurred from things that had happened to me. I felt like I should have that fear, avoid as I did and do, because it's protecting me, it's realistic but it's a miserable way to live. I'd encourage you to seek a professional who specializes in phobias. I haven't yet but I'm going to read the clickables given to you too. There are several modalities that are successful if you're receptive to trying and I guess I'd say devoted to working through it. I did get stuck in an elevator once years ago for about 2 hours with some other people. I was immensely pregnant. The elevator stuck between floors, once they pried the doors open all the others crawled out but I couldn't because I was too pregnant so I got left alone. I couldn't force myself on an elevator for years after that. I took a desensitizing course and was taught at first certain conditions I could create that made me feel as secure as I could on elevators and progressed from there. I've been riding on elevators for about 15 years now. I still at times get that stab of panic that I felt a lurch or I heard a cable break but at least I'm no longer trudging up stairwells all the time.

Good luck.


May Day
04-06-06, 20:58
Hi Kimmy and Meggy

welcome to the site. There's lots of helpful information here and friends to support you through your problems.

Meggy sorry to hear you had a bad time on another site. There are some people who just don't know how to be tolerant or even civil to others on the net. Luckily we aren't all like that and you'll find the people here are friendly. It sounds like you had a really nasty experience with the lift and it would be enough to scare any one let alone when you are heavily pregnant. Glad to see that you're coping well wiht them now.

take care


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

06-06-06, 14:08
Hi Kimmy

Welcome to the forum

Take care


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