View Full Version : Scared of something i dont even know if possible..

07-12-11, 18:48
Okay so recently ive been getting awful sensations in my throat along with itchy strange feeling irratation, sometimes it gets that bad it feels hard to breathe untill ive coughed, an irratation is an irratation, we all get them at sometime in our life, i totally know that.. but im scared that one day the irratation will become so bad that i will not be able to breathe atall and it will last for too long even if i cough.. can that happen? i dont have allergys and iv had full body blood tests which came back clear.. but i cant stop thinkin one day it will be so bad no matter how much i cough and splutter i wont be able to breathe ATALL.. i mean shortness of breathe but still breathin is scary enuf.. i panic when i get an irratation and lie down and go str8 to sleep but recently im getting it more an more.. it could just be a dust irratation.. or something similar.. but yeh im sure u'v gathered my question, can irratation in ur throat become so servere that we will cough and cough and try to get rid of it and it jus wont go and we will suffocate and die???
Again like i said i dont have allergys. Thank u all xxxxxxxx

08-12-11, 02:32
I've never heard of throat irritation causing death. You said you've had tests- have you met with your doctor about this specific problem? If you have and s/he said it wasn't a big deal, I'd believe her/him.