View Full Version : Trusting your doctors advice....

07-12-11, 20:53
Does anyone have a hard time with this?

The amount of times i've seen my doctor or dentist about things, they are people i both know and trust and when they say they are not worried in the slightest it just never seems to sink in!

I have a lymph node behind my ear, that came up back in March, doc said nothing to worry about and may stay up forever because ive played with it so much.... it went down a bit, but in the last few weeks flared up again, Went to see him again and once again he said its nothing to worry about and should only worry if its getting bigger and bigger.....

So why cant i just accept his diagnosis and move on from it? Its so damn frustrating!!

07-12-11, 20:56
I am the same I always think I know better because google has made me more qualified then they are......

07-12-11, 21:02
Ive loaded myself up with so much negative information, it overrides any positive reassurance.

After 3 years of conditioning my mind, if i wake up with a sore throat i instantly think the worst instead of "oh i have a sore throat"

If my doctor takes a look and says "theres nothing to worry about" i sometimes think, hes being too relaxed about it, did he check it properly or miss something?

Its ridiculous

07-12-11, 21:05
Oh I am right there with you on that. Right now I have one behind my right ear and I've pretty much rubbed the area raw this morning. My Dr never saw or felt it. When I called in about it, she immediately referred me for an ultrasound. The u/s showed that everything looked normal. For whatever reason I can't accept that. It's a vicious cycle for sure.

07-12-11, 21:12
From coming on here, its amazing how many people with anxiety have lymph node problems....

07-12-11, 21:13
I know. I thought it was just me for the longest time. I guess there is some relief in knowing you are not alone. Now if we can just figure out how to let it go.

07-12-11, 21:54
I am going through a lymph node problem at the moment in my armpit and they are huge, after 5 weeks I have diagnosed myself with lymphoma, breast cancer and everything else under the sun, but never accept the most common cause being an infection, which the doctor said I have, and they should be gone in a weeks time. I know they won't but because of my 24 hour pressing I have probably made them constantly swollen. I find it so difficult to believe a doctor, its like I feel i know more than them when infact I don't and neither does google.

07-12-11, 22:17
Its so hard with anxiety and say lymph nodes, because your anxiety is constantly fuelling your bodies sensations, if we were completely relaxed people they would come up and go down probably sometimes without even noticing, but our anxious minds are continually bringing attention to them or it.

I like many other have constantly pressed, prodded, poked and rubbed mine, it probably wont go down now, every so often i feel i should just "Check" it hasnt got any bigger, in reality is it really going to have got much bigger since the last time i checked an hour ago?? lol

The less we check it, the less our mind seeks reassurance and eventually we will forget and it will go hopefully.

Doctors come from the rational side of the fence and know exactly what they are looking for....

I really blame the media for how some us feel :(

I can write all this rational stuff but low and behold in an hours time i will want to check my node!!! haha

08-12-11, 07:51
Definitly the media has something to do with it, always bad news never good news, its everywhere papers, magazines, radio, television, internet, bill boards, the list goes on. Only some people can look at it and walk by without a second though, then there are people like myself who totally freak.

08-12-11, 08:11
Not really I always feel reassured by my doctor when she says she isnt worried about it.

My new gp I was a bit hesitant because she didnt do many tests just listen to me and I was a bit unsure I asked her if I had ovarian cancer because my periods were still very painful she said she doesnt think I have it and to give the pill a chance to ease my period pain off.

I was a bit put off by what she said and then the pill did finally make my period pain less and so she was right. She then wouldnt give me extra tests on my bladder after testing for an infection and didnt find anything she said it was just an irritable bladder and if I give the oxybutynin a chance it will work so I started taking it regularly and what do you know she was right and it did start working.

I thought I had something more serious going on with my bladder and was wondering whether she was doing her job right and she said there is nothing serious to worry about and when my bladder starting feeling a lot better with a few irritations aain she was right with the diagnosis of an irritable bladder.

I think sometimes its hard to take in that they say they arent worried but I have learnt with this that GPs are trained that much to know when to worry or not and because my gp is she knows when things are normal and when things are not.

I now have faith in my new gp to tell me if she thought there was something not quite right she told me that herself so I believe her.

I just hope that forever well as long as I still see her she keeps telling me that everything is fine and that she is right :)