View Full Version : Facial numbness/Occassional Headache

08-12-11, 01:37
Hi there,

Im really worried at the moment that there could be something really bad happening to me and i really need some feedback on it so i know its either just anxiety or maybe its worse, please.

Recently iv been having facial/arm numbness alot, iv recently started another course of citalopram 20mg. I have had alot of apsuses (Sorry about the spelling) and i visited my doctor for a course of anti-biotics, while i was there i explained that i have had anxiety n depression for roughly 5 years with different symptoms, such as chest pain, alil facial numbness (not as bad as it is now).

He was more concerned with my apsus outbreak. which in away was comforting because if he was more concerned then i might have been something serious i suppose. He asked how long i got the numbness and what effect it has on me. i told him it was more on a facial numbness over mt right eye which spreads to my ear, behind my ear and cheek/lip. the arm isnt as bad but can get quite numb at times. most times just recently i get headache and numbness which i seem to have from waking up on a morning until bedtime.

He told me that all the other doctors were wrong and that he thought it may be mild migraines, which has got me really worried as he wasnt 100% sure plus he didnt really speak much more about it apart from take ibropufen when pain comes. which is all well and good but it doesnt take away my numbness.

Im really worried now that it could be somethin more serious, usually when i get facial numbness and take citalopram it takes away either my chest pains or numbness, i havnt take enough yet to feel better yet i understand that. i didnt come off citalopram myself by the doctor took me off them awhile back as he sed it didnt need them which i agreed at the time that maybe i could carry on without them.

Thank you in advance for any comments, any further questions i will answer.