View Full Version : pains at top of head?

08-12-11, 02:29
Has anyone here experienced little jabs of pain at what feels like the top of their head? My main health anxiety thing is brain c____, so it's freaking me out. It's not a headache, just occasional (quite mild) jabs over the course of minutes or hours (honestly not sure; I've just noticed it, but how long has it been happening?) I think I've experienced this in the past, but I can't remember if it was in the distant-enough past for me to feel confident that it's innocuous.
Has anyone felt this?

Having typed that, I'm already less worried: sounds minor. Any response would still be appreciated.

Thanks. Hope you're well.

08-12-11, 11:58
I quite often get jabbing pains all over my head. Tbh, I don't really pay much attention to them. They might be muscle spasms, or they might be to do with sinuses. Or just one of those things.

I think you're right though, it doesn't sound like anything serious, so try not to worry :)

Gemma T
08-12-11, 13:53
I get them and sometimes they are very intense. I think it is due to muscle tension and stress x x x