View Full Version : Weak legs!

08-12-11, 09:51
Hello, does anyone else have weak legs and are scared of fainting and collapsing?? X

08-12-11, 09:57
Hi yes i have this at the moment, after a panic attack they feel like jelly and like they could give way any moment, i went to my gp as a HA sufferer of course i fear the worst she sent me for blood tests.. as i was so worked up about it, i am currently awaiting the results !!!

08-12-11, 10:01
It's horrible isn't it, I've been to the doctors countless times about this problem and I'm told it isn't part of a serious illness because I don't have any other symptoms to show this, I've been for tests and I'm always told its anxiety it's just so dibilitating, would love to just get up and not be so scared. What has your gp said to you? X

08-12-11, 10:05
Yeah as much as people tell you its anxiety its hard for me to believe that....She said she wasnt too concerned it was anything to worry about but would do the blood tests to make sure... which in turn made me panic even more!!! I should get my results tomorrow !!x

08-12-11, 10:07
It's very hard to believe, I just think how do you know it's not happening to you! Lol and it panics me more too when doctors say things like that ! Good luck for your results, you'll have to let me know x

08-12-11, 10:16
Thankyou, yeah im terrifyed at the moment awaiting these results fearing the worst of course!!

08-12-11, 10:19
I'm almost certain you will be absolutely fine :) do you get your weak legs even when your not panicking? I sometimes just get them from no where and then that makes me have a panic attack :/ x

08-12-11, 11:41
I get 'jelly' legs all the time. It isn't just when I'm anxious but I do have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome so I put it down to that.

K xx

08-12-11, 12:29
Yes i have been like this lately with shaky legs and feeling off balance and also my arm/fingers feel numb and weak. I also have m.e and fibromyalgia so i think mines with that plus anxiety. I also find my symptoms worse in winter/cold weather.

09-12-11, 07:34
That's what I fear that I've got :/ because I don't just have my weak legs when I have anxiety, the doctor reassures me that it is just anxiety but I'm so so worried :( what other symptoms do you guys get with me/cfs? Xx

11-12-11, 12:46
I understand how you feel, ive been exactly the same for around 5 weeks now. Ive had a lot of physical symptoms such as shooting pains in my head, upset stomach, regularly heaving, feeling full of wind and burping, but mainly aching hips & buttocks, and trembly/weak legs, lots of twitches in my legs, and I keep shivering and feeling really cold. Its been persistant for 5 weeks. Ive been to the GP 3 times and they said its all anxiety. I have seen 3 doctors over the past few weeks and I wasnt convinced its anxiety due to the sverity of the symptoms. Ive convinced myself I have lukemia, MS, Parkinsons, etc....On my 3rd visit to the doctor last Thursday he sent me to have some blood tests done and Im awaiting results. He told me that if we ruled out all of the things that are going through my mind I might start to feel better as he's 99% sure his personal opinion its anxiety??? I am terrified and keep thinking the blood results will come back abnormal. Its so frightening!
