View Full Version : i would love some uplifting words.

08-12-11, 11:59
I am completely drained. Everyday I go through moments of anxiety and panic, sometimes they are manageable and sometimes I would do anything to just not exist and come back later. I feel unreal, like I am in a constant daze. I am not excited for things anymore, I feel it is not worth it to be because I can't enjoy things anymore for the most part. When I have those brief moments where I feel okay, almost normal, I get happy and I think to myself "maybe that was it, maybe I'm done with this" but I never am and I'm tired. I don't want my body to feel like it's shutting down on me anymore, I don't want to feel scared for no reason, I don't want to lose my relationships because I feel like I can't talk to anyone anymore. I'm scared and sad. I'm sorry, I'm very emotional today. I feel like I don't even own my skin and I hate it so much. Part of this today is that I am extremely jetlagged, I did not sleep very much last night but I am trying to stay up all day so I can get my hours straight again, because this cannot go on. I just want to know that I will be okay. I want to know that there is hope that this will go away someday. I'm only 19 but I don't feel like that at all. Why me? Why any of us? I don't even remember what my life used to be like and I don't know how long I can go on like this. I'm sorry this message is kind of a downer but it's just the way I feel today. Thank you all for being here, just the idea that people read these and care is help in itself. And I'm sorry for everything that you all are going through or have gone through. Thank you for listening.

08-12-11, 13:07
It sounds like you need to go and ask your doctor to explain to you how to control your breathing. He may refer you to a group to attend. It's worth it.

I felt like this a lot when I was hyperventilating and not realising. Learning how to deal with that got rid of about 80% of my problems very quickly.

08-12-11, 15:28
natalie, i’m so sorry you’re struggling. i too feel entirely worn-out; it’s exhausting, like fighting a long defeat – there’s no time or space to catch your breath. but people do recover. even people who often can’t see an end to the suffering. x

08-12-11, 15:49
Thanks a lot. Really. :) I will keep fighting. And I pray that everything works out for you

08-12-11, 18:46
It's awful when you go through times like this, we go through seasons and some times it feels neverending anxiety and sadness but then you'll get a period of respite and remember the good things in life again.
Take care of yourself and do all the things that make you happy. Long hot baths with lavender and calming fragrances, reading good books, your favourite films whatever helps you to relax and gives you pleasure
Best wishes

08-12-11, 20:22
I am completely drained. Everyday I go through moments of anxiety and panic, sometimes they are manageable and sometimes I would do anything to just not exist and come back later. I feel unreal, like I am in a constant daze. I am not excited for things anymore, I feel it is not worth it to be because I can't enjoy things anymore for the most part. When I have those brief moments where I feel okay, almost normal, I get happy and I think to myself "maybe that was it, maybe I'm done with this" but I never am and I'm tired. I don't want my body to feel like it's shutting down on me anymore, I don't want to feel scared for no reason, I don't want to lose my relationships because I feel like I can't talk to anyone anymore. I'm scared and sad. I'm sorry, I'm very emotional today. I feel like I don't even own my skin and I hate it so much. Part of this today is that I am extremely jetlagged, I did not sleep very much last night but I am trying to stay up all day so I can get my hours straight again, because this cannot go on. I just want to know that I will be okay. I want to know that there is hope that this will go away someday. I'm only 19 but I don't feel like that at all. Why me? Why any of us? I don't even remember what my life used to be like and I don't know how long I can go on like this. I'm sorry this message is kind of a downer but it's just the way I feel today. Thank you all for being here, just the idea that people read these and care is help in itself. And I'm sorry for everything that you all are going through or have gone through. Thank you for listening.

Natalie i read a few short words ( on here i think, havent been able to find it since though to quote the author) that really hit home with me.

What you resist, persists!

How true when it comes to anxiety :hugs:

09-12-11, 03:04
thank you all for your suggestions and kind words :) they really reallllllyyy mean a lot to me. i had a very nice sleep last night so hopefully this will continue. i hope you all are doing well,

10-12-11, 06:12
He may refer you to a group to attend. It's worth it.http://www.uklv.info/g.gif

william wallace
11-12-11, 21:01
It sounds like you need to go and ask your doctor to explain to you how to control your breathing. He may refer you to a group to attend. It's worth it.

I felt like this a lot when I was hyperventilating and not realising. Learning how to deal with that got rid of about 80% of my problems very quickly.

Anyone noticed ifines post on this thread? Spambot:D

11-12-11, 21:15
Hi nstama:)

hope these words of wisdom help ........true for all of us in the world

