View Full Version : Seroxat - Lightheaded and "Jelly" legs

08-12-11, 13:18
Hi everyone,

After 2 weeks on 20 mg fluoxetine I gave up and went back to 20 mg Seroxat. Seroxat has always worked for me in the past but it has always been so hard to withdraw from. Anyway, as I wanted to try for a baby my GP suggested I withdraw from Seroxat which I did but unfortunately my health anxiety came back with a vengeance after 5 weeks so he tried me on Fluoxetine but as this didn’t seem to work (yes I know I didn’t really give it time to work), I decided to go back to Seroxat.

So I have been on 20 mg Seroxat for 9 days (9th tablet today) and I feel much better BUT I feel very lightheaded and my legs feel like jelly. I know this is a common symptom of anxiety but because I suffer from Health Anxiety I keep imagining that there is something really serious wrong with me. I just want to feel better again but I know I need to let the Seroxat start to work agan. Any idea how long before I start to feel more normal again????

Thanks for your advice

08-12-11, 18:23
Can anyone relate to this ????

08-12-11, 18:52
Do you want me to be brutally honest? . . . I think you just need to let them work and stick with one for longer than two weeks :) I'm on day 18 of 20mg of Fluxoetine and just had an AMAZING week but today I have had a terrible headache all day and I feel totally off balance, it's just the meds adjusting and its really early days.

It's going to take a few months before you feel totally 'normal' again. Hang in there and try to be patient :)

You'll get there.

08-12-11, 19:59
Hi Spike, I suffered with Prozac a few years ago too, I only lasted 3 weeks but it made me vomit constantly, I couldn't keep anything down.

This is my third time back on Seroxat and I started on 10mg a day rather than 20mg because I knew the side effects wouldn't allow me to function as a mother, let alone anything else.

Day 11 was the worst for me (that was last Friday), but every day since has been an improvement, even managing to up my dose without any worsening of the SE's.

Last Friday I could have thrown all the tablets down the toilet but I know that this AD works so well for me and I'm glad I stuck it out for a few more days because it's all up hill from here.

I know that the last couple of weeks have probably felt like an eternity for you, but you're nearly there.

What time of day do you take your AD? I take mine in the evening and experience far less SE's during the day than when I used to take it in the morning.

Message me if you need any reassurance at all.

07-03-15, 15:38
Please help on day 10 of Seroxat and feeling anxious, shaky legged & shaky hands. When will this pass? Im so scared!

chatty girl
07-03-15, 17:28
I've been on seroxat since 2003, ive slowly had it increased for various reasons from 20mg a day to my current 40mg. Stick with it I couldn't live without it.

Also there's no need to stop taking it because you want to try for a baby. I was on 30mg all through my pregnancy and my baby is super. My doctor got advice from other professionals and they basically said there's no known risk and basically if the risk to the mother is greater coming off it dont! I hope that makes sense xx